Sunday, January 20, 2008

NOT on Antipsychotic Drugs

I found out, no, I'm not taking an antipsychotic drug. But the pain was so severe and I became so ill again, that I went to the ER last night. I am finding that it takes about a half hour away from this house, to feel better (symptoms to go away) if I'm feeling the symptoms in a mild-moderate way. It is NOT my chronic pain stuff. This is different and the reason I vacillate about what is in the narcotics, is because they don't work AT ALL when I have the other nausea and pain. Last night my entire stomach felt like it was one big ulcer but then it went away after an hour away from the house. My stress doesn't "change" getting away from this house. I love living out here and it has nothing to do with my mindset or stress. It's not a reaction to cabin fever because I'm perfectly happy to be at home. I am noticing EVERY single time I get away from the house, such as spending a night somewhere else, both I AND my son feel better. We don't have muscle spasms and my son has no pain and isn't fussy.

I spend a night away from the house and my entire health returns to normal and the narcotics "work" like narcotics and fix the regular chronic pain. But as soon as I come back to the house, the extreme backache and other things come back. It doesn't add up.

I have almost BECOME crazy, just trying to figure out the source and reason for I and my sons symptoms. It has to do with something in this environment or something that targets this environment, because elsewhere we are fine.

There is no such thing as a "haunted house", but given all the hacking problems, I have seen the evidence for harassment. If someone or some group is that interested in sitting on my line or watching and waiting for me to bring a new computer home to hack before I'm ever online, someone has a serious interest in causing distress and problems for us.

I don't know what it is that causes, exactly, the pain and feelings of being "hit" when it happens. All I know is that it only happens here, and is so bad I feel like I'm dying and my son too.

That's the whole story on the narcotics and pain. I try this medication outside of the house and it doesn't really seem to work like the narcotics used seems more like a Neurontin or something, but the other weird stuff does NOT happen.

I have been back at the house less than 15 minutes and already I'm feeling the stomach upset, that feels like ulcers in the lining of my stomach, severe and deep back and spine ache, some crackling sensation in my head, and other stomach pain. My son was also very happy and energetic before and within 10 minutes, he was holding his stomach. AND his battery operated toy was going off by itself about 5 minutes ago and he wasn't near it. Whatever is being used to trigger battery operated toys, I believe, is triggering the health problems. And, like the computer tech said, it has to be something very powerful, sophisticated, and hazardous to our health.

There is no explanation for feeling doubled up when I come back here. I love living out here. THere are no negative associations. Even if we are in the car driving around or in a family member's house all alone, we are fine.

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