Sunday, January 20, 2008

Set Up By The Catholic Church & FBI: Some Names and Connections

I went to the ER because of the "hit" and as soon as I get there, I'm thinking, no, this has to be these crappy meds. Because I tried to take a little "Percocet" after feeling severe pain (which is what I mean when I say hit) and dizziness, and it is going to my head again and making me feel worse. I am finding myself trying not to grind my teeth. This has to be some kind of major antipsychotic drug.

I found something else out. I JUST NOW found legal papers at my door (I come through my front door, not the side door where the papers were) and it's a legal thing from Dr. Freed's clinic for injunction. He claims I disturb the peace. All this, after I have problems with these guys first.

I'm sick to my stomach because now I know for a fact that I am, indeed, on some heavy drug, and Dr. Freed is the one who prescribed it. HE and his clinic have filed this legal action and HE dares to act as my PCP and put me on something that makes me weak, sick, and unable to function. I hurt so bad, every day. But he put me on this crap, knowing it hurts me, and here he is with MOTIVE.

If I felt better, I could explain all the things that happened to ME by these medical professionals, when I first came into town. But I'm very, very, sick, and it isn't me and it's not my fault but these medications and no one except Freed is handling this. The other doctors WANTED Freed to be on my care, because they knew from the start he would work with them and against me.

All of this works for his lawyers and what they want to do. I told my parents long ago, when I first had problems with ANYONE, which was Catholic church clergy, that what this church and their lawyers were doing and did to me would snowball and allow other people to do the same thing, and point fingers at me. I have predicted, ahead of time, almost every single thing that has happened to me and my son. I knew I needed a lawyer a long, long, time ago.

Then, this church used FBI that was also Catholic, to malign me further, and I was set up. I found out some MAJOR links between Catholic church lawyers, a former "friend" I had, and a couple of FBI individuals who introduced themselves to me in 2004, and assaulted me. They were connected, and some by marriage. This friend that I thought was my friend, obtained information from me for over 6 years, to use against me. I even had medical records disappear from my house after she stayed the night, but I didn't suspect her. I told her I was moving out of the area and would start over elsewhere and prove that all the problems were with the Catholic church, and not ME. She asked where I was going, what my plans were, who I would stay with, names of people I knew, medical community connections...She wanted to know everything ahead of time so they could plant seeds in Wenatchee to make sure my life was screwed up here by planting the right people to say the wrong things and write crap into my record.

If they could get others, especially seemingly "non-catholic" groups to malign me and believe the disinformation, they would get off and be justified for what they did to me, some of which was criminal.

I knew about the politics and yet because what I've been through is so beyond the experiences of most people, I knew hardly anyone would be able to relate.

At this point, I am completely screwed. It is even too late to bring out the crap I know about the FBI and catholic church lawyer connections. I don't even have time. I know what's coming ahead.

Here are some names, since I may not have enough time to write the whole timeline:

1. Br. Ansgar Santogrossi, OSB and Fr. Joachim McCann, OSB (clergy with family ties to the East Coast and high positions within the catholic church),

2. Abbot Nathan Zodrow. Zodrow was raised in Waterville, WA, which is right next to Wenatchee, and he has connections in this area. He was/is the Abbot for the monastery where Ansgar and Joachim were, and where my problems began,

3. Christa Schneider. The "friend" and great actress who pretended to be born again and yet was working for the catholic church lawyers all along. I found out in November 2007 that she had never lived in Eugene, OR, for the year she told me she did, and hadn't lived in New York at the exact time she said she was there. She had been in Portland, Oregon all along, working for the Catholic church lawyer and lying to me. Her parents are Debra and Rob Schneider, of Wilsonville, OR. Rob Schneider used to be a U.S. Prosecuting Attorney and is now in business. They are all baptized catholic but showed up at my protestant church after I started having problems with the monastery guys. I noticed them because the church was small. I remember the exact day I saw them and what year it was: 2000. Christa has tried to place herself at the church or in my life BEFORE I met the monks, but it was afterwards. She is directly connected to Dick Whittemore and his family and all her friends are Catholic and have some roots in catholic fraternal groups. Everything I told Christa was leaked to the lawyers and I didn't suspect her for sure until a year ago when she wrote me an email telling me to call her because she'd met some undercover spies in New York and knew I'd be interested in hearing about it. She is a rational person who wouldn't believe in an undercover spy revealing himself to her, but the email was a mockery. I had met the FBI guys, Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza, after I told Christa my last dream was to join the FBI and work as a lawyer to kill corporate crime. I was in the top 10% of my college and almost halfway through my Senior year of college with honors. I was planning to apply to law school and then join the FBI through the lawyer-referral program. Right after I told her this, when she knew I would be at a courthouse at a particular time, Raul Bujanda, an FBI agent from the Portland field office, was there and introduced himself to me. Then he said he wanted me to meet his "boss", Armando Garza, as if they were recruiting me. Garza told me they WERE recruiting me and asked me to have tequila shots with him (I figured it was business bonding in a way), got me drunk, and then instead of dropping me off at my apartment as I asked, they forced their way into my apartment and sexually assaulted me. For the longest time I didn't even know that what they had done was considered sexual assault. I thought maybe it was misconduct but didn't learn about the definition and the law until over a year later, in December 2006, when I sought the assistance of a domestic abuse/rape crisis worker and learned what had happened to me was not just "internal misconduct" as the FBI put it to me, but "Sex Abuse" in the 1st, according to Oregon law. Christa worked hard to get me to start drinking by going out with her and buying me drinks (I never drank until I met her, which was when I was 26 years old) and tried to get me to smoke too. I ended up drinking some, but never took up smoking. She also set me up in several dangerous situations where I was under the influence, and arranged for another rich Catholic church member/friend of Whittemore's, to try to seduce me. His name was Beau Blixseth and he was in my classes every term and took me out and tried to get me to have a fling with him and take hotel rooms, etc., while he still had a longtime girlfriend.

3 b. Beau Blixseth's father is Tim Blixseth, who is a billionare and on Forbes' list in the top 10 richest people in the United States. Beau told me his first girlfriend was Paris Hilton. He told me about Paris before she was famous/infamous, and Paris is also baptized Catholic and her family, grandfather, donated almost the entire family fortune to be managed by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, through the Conrad Hilton fund. Beau Blixseth's grandparents retired at the Mt. Angel Towers, a retirement home that Fr. Joachim McCann, the priest I knew who counseled me for one year, managed and provided pastoral services for. All the residents of Mt. Angel Towers knew Fr. Joachim.

4. Sgt. Rich Austria, with the Portland Police, worked with the Portland FBI to snow and bury my complaint against Bujanda and Garza. Bujanda, I know, worked on joint taskforces with the Portland police. He may have known Austria. At any rate, Austria communicated with the FBI and it went all the way to the top officials at the Portland field office. The entire objective was to discredit me and blow me off, which they did. I found out Rich Austria is directly connected to the Catholic church lawyers and is connected to Knights of Columbus. The Catholic church lawyers were John Kaempf and Richard (Dick) J. Whittemore.

5. Richard Whittemore, lawyer for Catholic church. Whittemore was not only working on the West Coast but had lived near the Thebaults, before that, in New Jersey. Whittemore represented the monastery in Oregon I had contact with, which was Mt. Angel Abbey, a Benedictine Order. In New Jersey, the Thebaults sent their kids to a Benedictine private school, run by Benedictine monks. Fr. Joachim asked me for a list of all my former employers, right before troubles began and he started threatening me, telling me he was going to help me figure out what kind of career I would be most suited to. He wanted a complete resume. He also wanted my social security number and that monastery obtained it from me. Later, they had my SS# confirmed when Christa Schneider got me a "job" working for her Dad, and they were only interested in seeing my SS card. They kept pressuring me for it, and when I gave it to them, the same or next day they fired me. When I asked for a W2 form for taxes for the time I'd worked there, they tried to refuse me one. I insisted. It was only in November of this year, 2007, that I confirmed their connections with the Catholic church lawyers. Every single one of Christa's friends, besides me (and I wasn't a friend, really) was Catholic and connected to Whittemore. Whittemore was a neighbor to FBI agent Raul Bujanda. They were all Catholic and went to the same parish. When Bujanda found out I'd make a formal complaint about him to the FBI, the day after the assault incidence, he called me up and tried to persuade me to go out with him again, telling me he had a trinket, a necklace, for me. I had told Christa that no one had ever given me real jewelry before except earrings, right before that. She asked what the best gift any guy could ever give me would be and I told her a necklace. Next thing I know, I'm being baited with a necklace. They were connected all along. Whittemore lied about me to a Catholic newspaper journalist for The Willamette Week and persuaded her to twist a story about me for purposes of disinformation and to defame me. She did, and her name is Amy Roe. She was Catholic and told me so, spitefully, after she wrote the article and it was published. She published things that she knew were flat out lies and refused to check evidence when I told her it wasn't true that I'd ever written a piece of sexually graphic email to ANYone, much less any monk.

6. John Kaempf, Catholic church lawyer who contacted Gerald Warren in Wenatchee to bury me through legal processes over here. Warren's wife is in charge of a division of Catholic Charities of Washington and Kaempf is on the Board of Catholic Charities in Oregon; Catholic Charities is a national organization. Kaempf lived (moved) right next to me in Tualatin when my problems with the monks began. I didn't know it though, until much later. He stalked me and showed up places I went to (I realized later he knew ahead of time where I would be because of Christa).

7. Karin Whittemore/FBI, New York. Related by marriage to Dick Whittemore, whose husband's father is in the New York FBI field offices. Her married name is Whittemore. Dick Whittemore has family connections to the FBI. I found this out in November of 2007. I found out my childhood friend Stephanie Maiers, who was friends with Karin, had been fed a bunch of lies by Karin, and that Karin directly knew Christa Schneider, my supposed friend. I went to a bridal shower for Stephanie in Seattle, in October of 2006, and Karin was there. Ahead of time, I'd told Christa I was going to this shower, who it was for, etc. Christa wanted to know what I was going to wear and how I was doing my hair, exactly. She also wanted to know what I would give Stephanie for a shower gift if I could afford it. I told her I would get Stephanie a crystal vase from Tiffany's. When I arrived, Karin stayed close to me and approached me, wearing the exact same thing I told Christa I was planning to wear (but didn't, due to last minute change of plans). The dress was almost identical. It was leopard print, knee-length, with a V-neck, and Karin had done her hair up in a ponytail, curled, as I told Christa I was planning to do (but didn't). Karin gave Stephanie a crystal vase from Tiffany's and I noticed she watched ME when Stephanie was opening the gift. Karin sat across from me at dinner and started talking about broken tailbones and how she had one and just used a doughnut cushion. I hadn't told Karin I had been trying to get an X-ray in Wenatchee for a broken tailbone, but it was like she knew. I'd told Christa, but not Karin. When Karin said her husband's father was in the FBI, I asked what the name was. She avoided my question twice, and then the third time she said "Whittemore" which is what her now married name is. She hadn't wanted me to make the connection that she was related, by marriage, to DICK Whittemore, or connected in anyway to Christa Schneider, who was working for Whittemore and was friends with his daughter. The only reason she told me was because Steph's family was sitting there and would have noticed if she'd tried to avoid it again or lied. Karin took Stephanie out for breakfast before she left for Brooklyn, New York (where she lives) and when Steph came back, I was accused of lying about a number of things, by my former best friend whom I'd known and kept in touch with for over 15 years. When I got home to Wenatchee, I called Christa and told her everything. Christa had one question: why hadn't I worn the leopard print dress I'd told her I was going to wear? She and Karin had set it up so that Karin and I would be wearing the same thing and have our hair done the same way. Just bizarre.

There is so much more. But this is the appetizer, because a lot of money and power went into harassing me and then causing problems for me in Wenatchee, where they knew I was going next. Dr. Parnell was one doctor who was in on it and I can prove it.

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