Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My and My Son's Side Effects From Radiation

What does it feel like?

October 2007: My chronic pain is worse, without explanation. I start to think it's because it's a different brand of narcotic and it must metabolize differently in my body. A deep, deep, ache in my lower back (which I don't usually have problems with), pelvis, and spine develops. In addition, at nighttime I feel very sharp surges of pain in my pelvis. I began having muscle spasms and my son did as well. It's worse at night than during the day.

November 2007: I begin having painful ulcers in my mouth. I got up to 3-4 ulcers on my gumline, top and bottom, and wasn't eating anything different or doing anything differently. I didn't feel more stress than usual. I had the ulcers for about 2 weeks. I thought it was the medications again, and suspected the oxycodone was something acidic instead. It didn't make sense. I had severe abdominal pain and cramping. Diarrhea everyday for this month, even though I was on my normal narcotics which have usually had a constipating effect. My gums began to bleed at the slightest touch or use of a toothbrush. The pain was so deep and getting into my bones and back so badly I began overdosing on over-the-counter medications and my narcotics. I took 800-1,000 mg. Advil plus 1,000 mg. Tylenol on TOP of the narcotics. I tried taking a little more of the narcotics and it didn't make a difference in the back pain. I realized getting into the tub took the pain away instantly, but it was back as soon as I was out. That didn't make sense. Immersion in water relieved my pain, but nothing else did? During this time, I watched comedies, and tried to distract myself. But I was falling apart. I stopped doing the dishes. I stopped picking up the food my son threw on the floor from the table. I was physically too weak. I could hardly get out of bed. I noticed my son was having problems at the same time, but figured my problems were from worsening chronic pain and his were behavioral from not being able to play with his mother, who was so sick, as much. But I look back, and he had the same symptoms I did and was relieved when he was in the tub.

December 2007: I go to the Dr. I believe I seriously have cancer. It feels like bone cancer, specifically, because of the horrible, cruel ache. It is like no other pain and it was progressively getting worse. I asked the doctor for an X-ray or bone scan and he agrees. There are problems on the X-ray and I'm SURE this is the cause of my pain, but the doctor says it's not that big of deal. So what's causing this terrible pain then? I write my doctor off as an idiot. The pain is extremely severe. When I am able to get out, I feel better, away from the house, for some reason, and the problems aren't as bad though I'm still weak. But I didn't even tell my family or my doctor how bad the pain was, or how weak I was. For example, I didn't tell them I wasn't able to get out of bed in the morning because of the pain and fatigue and how my son had to watch a couple hours of cartoons while I summoned my strength. And I didn't tell anyone, until later, how I became so weak that I couldn't make it to the toilet in the other room sometimes and just grabbed the nearest bowl. I stopped eating with a spoon and fork because I was too tired to wash one.

No one, but God and my son, knows how sick we were, and my son wasn't himself either, but I dismissed his symptoms, even though he had the sudden and severe twitching too, and would cry out and wake in the night, in pain. I demanded to go back to 10 mg. Percocet from Walgreens, made by Watson, because I thought the narcotics weren't metabolizing right. Someone told me this was possible so I thought maybe that's why they were ineffective. I had been switched from Percocet to 10 mg. oxycodone, from Merkindrot or whatever, at Wal-mart. I wanted to go back to the exact type of medication that was working for me before the pain and weakness began. I and my son woke at night, with my son crying and sucking his thumb almost all night and getting no sleep, to taking up to 3 bottles of milk for comfort. I couldn't write at all. I couldn't even read my blog. I was too weak. I wasn't even able to speak well enough to articulate what was happening. I was too tired. I called the doctor a lot, and then raged, and then cried, because of the frustration. It felt like cancer but no cancer showed up on the bone scan. I wasn't depressed and didn't feel more stressed than usual. Except for the stress from the fatigue and pain. I was having pulsing pains, and sometimes they even hit my chest. A couple of times I could feel a rhythmic pain penetrate and withdraw, penetrate and withdraw, in rapid succession, with the rhythm of a metronome. It was completely bizarre.

January 2007: I had bloodwork done in late December and it was normal, generally, except for abnormal low levels of glucose and alkaline phosphate. Doctor said maybe I was malnourished. I knew that wasn't it because I'm a health nut and even while sick, I was trying to eat even better, to get my strength up. I shop at a health food store, buy organic for my son, and have a good understanding of nutrition. I ate well, and so did my son. But despite eating, I was losing weight. I lost 10 lbs in a month. I started looking up low glucose and alkaline phosphate. This was common with malnutrition, drug interactions for some medications, and radiation side effects. I figured I was on some other drug than the "narcotic".

I lost my period last month, which is normally regular. I also had a lot of hair falling out and didn't have to shave 1/10th as often because my hair wasn't growing. My head hair stopped falling out about a week and a half ago when the bad aching stopped, and my body hair has only begun to grow again in the last few days. Because of this, I questioned whether my doctor had put me on some kind of hormone, as I was convinced the most logical explanation where there were no alternatives, was that I was on another medication without my consent on a trial or something. But then I read up on radiation side effects. I read that radiation can even cause teeth cavities or problems because of dry mouth that comes from the radiation. Which I'm not sure applies to me, but after I had the strange episode of illness in Oregon during litigation with the Catholic church, I developed some cavities and even had a tooth break off. I'd never had dental problems in my life and brushed and flossed. My dental state went downhill in a matter of a year and the last time I saw the dentist he said my results were very strange. He asked me if I had started drinking soft drinks suddenly and on a daily basis or if I had been on a medication that dried my mouth out. My answer was no. I'm starting to wonder about my son's cavities now and his dental problems.

I started having, beginning in December 2007, odd and numerous bruising all over my body. My son did as well. He started showing severe bruising in November even. His legs especially were covered, but arms too. We ate plenty of citrus fruit. We ate well. I still have, right now, 8 bruises on my legs, some large (one is the size of a golf ball or larger), and 2 (just recounted...4)on my arms. They started showing up without explanation. All these bruises are older bruises.

Which reminded me last night, that in Oregon, during my litigation with the Catholic church, toward the end, when I became too sick to continue, I developed similiar problems, and I remember, in particular, the bruising which was severe and without explanation. I was fatigued, constantly had bronchitis (for over 6 months), and thought then that I must have "cancer". I remember going to the courthouse in the summer, right before the Fall of 2004, and wearing a dress that exposed one of the bruises. It was the size of a baseball or a little larger and it was on my calf. It was huge and totally bizarre. I hadn't run into anything with my calf. At that time, I was wondering if I had AIDs or something because of my health problems. Which is funny, because when I started having ulcers in my mouth recently, I looked up causes and read AIDs symptoms again. But I've never had an STD or AIDs and I give blood. I remember John Kaempf, one of the Catholic church lawyers, coming up behind me on the steps, seeing that bruise on my calf, and he walked away. He had a strange expression on his face, it was almost a guilty or slightly knowing look. He returned to the courthouse later.

After finding out the only way hackers could get onto my computers the way they were, recently, is through powerful and harmful microwave radiation (he said it would have to be sophisticated equipment that sends out a pulse), I started looking up side effects of radiation. I have all of the symptoms and so did my son. Our muscle twitching also, especially when in sync, could have been caused by this, because it heats the muscles and causes them to react.

But I thought it was medication problems.

I had been telling my doctor repeatedly that something was wrong. I laid in bed, unable to sleep at night, and knew I was dying. I knew my body couldn't take it. The last 2 weeks I was so weak I sat hunched over because my spine felt too weak to support my body; it took all my effort. I wrote an email to my doctor telling him I was dying. The day before I had not been able to stand more than 10 minutes and then had to sit. It was an effort to breathe and my breathing was labored. I read stories to my son, because I could do it sitting. When I got to the point that I could no longer stand or walk around, I sent this email, and then the next day, the pain quit abruptly. I picked up a new prescription for my narcotics and thought maybe he really WAS in on something with my meds. Because the aching stopped. I've had a day or two, as has my son, of pain since, and all the weird stuff again. But we've been able to get out of the house because before my car was broken down and we were stranded at the house. I believe we were sitting ducks. When my pain ended, I noticed my son's pain had also ended. He sleeps through the night soundly when I do. I heard him laughing spontaneously and knew he was better. After my strength started to come back a little, I was washing dishes that had sat there for a month, and I've been singing for the last 3 days. I had the strength to sing again. And that's when I realized I had not been able to sing at all the last few months and realized just how sick we had been.

There is more. I need to explain better the computer problems, and how often I've had this feeling of "cancer" and what has happened to my son. I am also going to include links to my research to back myself up on these claims and how likely or possible it is.

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