Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Stun Guns on the Common Market

I cut and pasted information on basic low-level stunning devices that can be purchased by anyone, on the common market. I'm not sure that any of these could be used to jump onto a desktop or hack, as it seems something more consistent or steady would be needed. But I find it interesting at the effects produced, as described below, because it matches what me and my son have been through. The biggest thing I noticed with my son was his constant muscle spasms in the last several months, and twitching (sometimes almost all night), and that they occured the same time I had them.

I also noticed, while reading about magnetic wavelengths as weapons, that the CIA has conducted proven experiments which show that extreme emotions can be provoked by using such instruments, such as rage, fatigue, and lust, according to the information online. Which makes me think about how out of control I felt when I wasn't completely incapacitated and fatigued. Our normally sweet cat turned into an attack cat too.

There was also an experiment done by the CIA called "Operation Knockout" used to study effects of incapacitating individuals. I'll find the link and post it here. Below is the advertising for the stun guns. If a regular citizen can purchase and use these things, what does law enforcement have that we don't, which may be even more powerful? It would be helpful to know someone in law enforcement, intelligence, or the military to access these devices for political purposes.

Why would anyone target me and my son? I'm getting into that next. I'm tired of holding back on what I know.

*Static Charge which uses an electrical watt with static to disrupt localized muscles groups.
*Muscle Man's Special Static Charge which uses an electrical watt with a sophisticated static delivery system that results in a louder and more effective stunner. Awesome!
*T-Wave which uses an electrical watt with EMD technology. An Electro-Muscular Disruption signal effects the central nervous system and its signal to the body. Awesome!
*Pulse Watt which uses an electrical watt with Pulse-Watt technology. This creates a neuro-hypothalamic signal that completely scrambles the signal from the brain to the body's motor functions.
1: STATIC CHARGE: (9-24 electrical watts @ 100,000-600,000 static volts)
Stun Guns & Stun Batons use a static charge deployment (from 100,000 volts - 600,000 volts). The Stun Gun is used by police departments around the world. Strong enough to take down any attacker! Works on those under the influence of alcohol and narcotics. Effective * Safe * Non-lethal. The 100,000- volt stun gun operates on one 9-volt battery and the 200,000 - 500,000+ stun gun and stun baton each use two 9-volt batteries. The 600,000 volt model uses four 9-volt batteries. When used, the attacker receives the shock of his life! Effectively stops an attacker and leaves him feeling dazed for up to 15 minutes. 1 second shock (*see take-down time notes) causes muscle spasms and dazed mental state. 5-second shock can leave attacker feeling as if he fell out of a two-story building and landed on a concrete sidewalk!
2: MUSCLE MAN'S® SPECIAL STATIC DELIVERY SYSTEM (9-24 electrical watts @ 100,000-500,000 static volts with Phase-Induction electrical delivery system)
Muscle Man® uses a Sophisticated Static Charge Delivery System®. It allow the "shock" to work more efficiently, therefore allowing for faster knock-down times and a better, more effective shock. The Muscle Man® series delivers a "feels-like" shock of approximately 100,000 more volts than the stun gun's rating. For example, a Muscle Man® 300,000-volt stun gun can deliver a shock that is equivalent to 400,000 volts by using the better shock delivery system. When used, the attacker receives the shock of his life! Instantly stops attacker and leaves him feeling dazed for up to 15 minutes. 1 second shock (*see take-down time notes) causes muscle spasms and dazed mental state. 5- second shock can leave attacker feeling as if he fell out of a two-story building and landed on a concrete sidewalk!
3. T-WAVE® (18-26 electrical watts with EMD-Electro-Muscular Disruption)
Stun Gun with T-Wave® delivery (Air Tasers®) Air Tasers use a powerful 18 to 26-watt electrical signal (compared to 7-20-watt stun guns and stun batons) to completely override the central nervous system and directly control the skeletal muscles. This effect causes an uncontrollable contraction of the muscle tissue, allowing the Taser to physically debilitate a target regardless of pain tolerance or mental focus. The Taser and M-Series Taser are classified as EMD (Electro-Muscular Disruption) weapons -- specifically designed to stop even the most elite, aggressive, focused combatants. Rather than simply interfering with communication between the brain and muscles, the TASER EMD systems directly tell the muscles what to do: contract until the target is in the fetal position on the ground.
4: PULSE-WATT® (28-30 electrical watts with 25,000-32,000 signal-scrambling Pulse Watts)
Myotron with Pulse-Wave® delivery (Myotrons®) Developed for the F.B.I and used by specialized government / state law enforcement officers and agencies, the Pulse Wave Myotron is a high tech device that intercepts and neutralizes brain waves from the motorcortex (voluntary muscle control) and hypothalamic (aggression) regions of the brain within an amazing 1/1000th of a second! (* can take from 2- 4 second for signal to reach this region). When the attacker is effected by the Myotron he will be immobilized and disoriented. He will also collapse, loose bladder control, and be completely immobilized for up to 30 minutes. The attacker will remain conscious and somewhat alert with no disruptions in involuntary movements, but will be passive and unable to stand or walk. It will stop any human or beast! (does not include large bears or beast with a total body weight of over 500 lbs.). Up to 5 times stronger then a stun gun!

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