Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Timeline and Periods Of Suspected Radiation

Last night I started getting the odd backache and joint pain again, and my son had muscle spasms which woke him. At one point, I was on the computer, and as I felt bad pain, my son began crying in the other room. He would NOT be consoled. He was writhing and kept pointing outside toward the road. Which doesn't mean anything, but I have noticed that when I've had the worst pain, and my son has, there has been constant traffic and some of the same cars/trucks/SUVs going back and forth. When the toys have gone off, though, I noticed there are no cars immediately passing, but maybe within 5 minutes a row of cars will go by. I know that last night we started having problems, but by late night, we were sleeping soundly until about 7:30 a.m. this morning when both my son and I woke with pain. My son is the type to wake with a smile on his face. He kept touching his back. He didn't want his bottle or anything else. I've been paying better attention to traffic and "incidents" and it seems that since the MAJOR pain (which ended 2 Thursdays ago) ended, it has been sporadic, but usually starts up after 7 p.m. until late night. One or two nights it lasted all night and we couldn't sleep at all, but the last 2 days, it's been from about 7 p.m.-12:00 a.m. and then starts up again for a half hour or less at about 7 p.m. Then it went away and my son and I felt nothing until about Lunchtime, when at least I started feeling pain again. Which makes me think that whoever is involved goes to a job.

I have thought about when I've had the periods (months or so) of extreme health problems and bruising, etc, and it's always been in the summer or between Thanksgiving-Christmas break, which makes me think students may have been involved. This last time, I was feeling bad toward the end of October, but noticeably dehabilitated from mid-November 2007 through the first week of January 2008.

I can think of at least 3 specific timeframes when I or my son had problems like this (not to say there weren't other periods of specific medical problems, but this is to include the strange, unexplained periods of fatigue and illness):

1. Late Summer 2004-Spring of 2005 which forced me to drop out of litigation with the Catholic church, even though I petitioned for a medical continuance because of my health problems. I was having strange computer problems then but thought it was my faulty computer...sort of...some things were too weird and several techs said so, but I dismissed it. All I knew is that there were very serious leaks as to what was going on with my life and litigation. The Catholic church lawyers knew everything, whether I said something in private, over the phone, or emailed, it was like they had a bug on everything I said or did. And, I found out, one of the "friends" I had thought was sincere, was working for them and getting info from me all along.

2. (made some corrections here) Spring 2006 which is when my son, who was almost one year old and had a 30+ word vocabulary and was making new 3-word sentences, quit speaking. It happened right after an ER trip for both of because of severe abdominal pain and vomiting; I thought we had food poisoning, it was not like any "flu" I'd ever had. His speech stopped almost immediately a little while after that, right after I found out the same party had made about 3 complaints to CPS (which CPS decided were unfounded and, after the 4th complaint, possibly "political" in nature) which was right when I discovered the hospital was a private Catholic hospital merger, and that one of the doctors there who had written weird medical charts about me was also Catholic...I told a friend about this and right after that, my son quit talking. Also, right after I told people I found out about the Catholic connections, the hospital suddenly filed a legal action against me, to "ban" me from the hospital. I had started putting 2 and 2 together about why my charts were being "rewritten" to include outlandish allegations. The Catholic church knew I was moving to Wenatchee months before I moved and they had a motive for causing problems for me over here. More on that soon. ...Now that I think about it, I remember it was in December 2006 that I was assaulted by this guy who lived in my apartment, and when I told my "friend" (who I later found out worked for the Catholic church lawyers) about it, she went to extremes to try to persuade me not to tell anyone. It was RIGHT after I reported this guy, that employees from this part-Catholic hospital started making CPS complaints, but I didn't know until a few months later, after I took my son in when we were vomiting, and then CPS came to my house and when I got the CPS records, it showed the same party had made 3 complaints in 3 months time, beginning in December. The whole thing with the guy was fishy. He said he only spoke Spanish but he also spoke French one time to me, and he got off, and just this last Christmas, he was witnessed stalking me at Wal-mart, I'm sure he thought police would blow me off again. If he was connected in any way to the church lawyers or that "friend" of mine, I seriously wonder if I and my son were not just getting "radiation" from people trying to monitor what I write on the computer, but poisoned as well. This guy worked at a fruit packing plant and then took off to go, he said, "fishing in Alaska". I know the Catholic church lawyers actually paid people in the past, to do some of their dirty work. The other thing that I felt uncomfortable with, was that when I went to ER with my son, it was right after this that he quit talking. At the ER, I was seen by a female doctor and they separated me from my son, telling me he'd be seen by her in another room. I asked for my son's medical records after that, and the lawyers withheld them from me forever, and then gave me everything except the record for THIS visit. I wondered why and asked for it again. Then I saw that when my son was separated from me, he'd been seen by Dr. Butler, a doctor I'd quit going to after my son became extremely ill after his 2 mo. vaccinations, and this was being dismissed, and after I found out Butler was writing things into my chart which were false and bizarre. In addition to covering up an extremely traumatic and severe childbirth. So I have some concerns. I've looked up autism and my son doesn't have it. He quit speaking because something affected his brain, but it wasn't "meant to be" and wasn't genetic. Right before that, before I knew this "friend" had been working for the Catholic lawyers for years, for months, every email I sent her was about my son, and how proud I was of him and how the doctors said he was "highly intelligent" and how he was speaking very early, and gifted, etc. I also told her I was going to raise him to understand everything I had been through with the Catholic church and that he was going to be the "inheritor" of the wisdom I'd gained through this; I told her I thought he would do something great one day. I also told her that when my son was older, he would learn everything that had been done to me, and having lived with me, would know it was all politics and he would defend me. I am no less proud of my son, now not speaking and slowed down in his development, than I was before. But he is certaintly less of a threat, and perhaps someone feels I am sufficiently (or not) "punished". In the last several years, the hatred against me has been so great I continue to be shocked at the discoveries I've made as to what was planned ahead of time, to harm me. If they would do what they did to me, they wouldn't blink at hurting my son. Just to spite me.

As for my son, after this I heard a word or two until nothing but gibberish. When we moved to a new location, out in an orchard, for a couple of days he was talking again, and he made a 3 word sentence while taking a bath. I asked him if he wanted to get out or stay in the tub, and he said, "in the tub". He used to be able to repeat everything I said. After that, he and I experienced a very severe instance of twitching and I felt, seizure-like problems, while back at my old apartment (we were inbetween houses and while moving into the new place, slept at night at the old apartment which is when I remember we became severely ill). I remember telling this "friend" about my son's sudden disappearance of speech, and she was so weird about it and couldn't wait to get off the phone. I had no strange theories then, I was just confused. It was out of nowhere and I told her I didn't know why. Then I didn't make a big deal about it until a year passed.

3. November 2007-January 2008 which is when I had the same problems as I had in Oregon and recognized this just recently, that it was the same. Then, too, I was having computer problems, but I wasn't able to detect how bad they were until this time because my original computer (the one I had since 1997) fried and when I tried new computers is when I noticed how severely I was getting hacked. That's when I noticed even 2 different desktops were accessed without my ever going online, and got the explanation from the computer tech. I lined up what the tech said, with what was happening to my computers, and then followed the trail to realize our health problems occured at the same time, and looked up radiation, and it fit. If my original computer had never gone, I wouldn't have ever narrowed it down.

Suffice it to say, the "secret weapon", I believe, to the Catholic church's attack on me, was computer hacking and radiation. They tried psychological tactics as well, but the only thing that really brought me down was completely destroying my health and ability to function at all. And then, they did this to my son, and I believe those involved knew what they were doing.

Don't think I'm crazy until you hear what was really going on before all this stuff started to happen. I can point to their motives and can back myself up with proof. Maybe they thought that they could also destroy or impair my memory. They certaintly ruined one little boy's brain, and caused even temporary problems for me, but there is a reason I'm still here and I think God must be sick over what has happened. I have already prayed that someone will come forward, who has information, and that God will have mercy on those who show mercy.

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