Friday, February 22, 2008

Copy of Email to Expert For Measurement of Radiation Exposure

Against all advice, but with only the fleeting hope someone will believe me, and will attempt to contact me, I am including here a copy of my email to an expert in radiation/nuclear technology. It includes a list of the symptoms I experienced, symptoms which have completely resolved and began to go away after I went to Canada. It took at least one full week for the stomach burning and aches to go away. The diarrhea still lasted for weeks, but I regained my period while in Canada. My stress levels in Canada were higher because I was in unknown territory with my son, and then my stress levels even higher when I was jailed in Canada and my son removed from me and yet all the symptoms were gone. They did not worsen with increased stress, as symptoms of a "mental illness" should and this is because these symptoms were real and actual physical symptoms I have some objective evidence for. See email below:

My family and I believe I was subjected to radiation from either a tower near my residence or from some sort of sophisticated microwave frequency. I did not come up with this idea on my own, but became aware of the possiblity after I spoke with a reputable computer expert (who also has a degree in robotics) who has done work for both local police and the FBI. I and my son had been suffering from inexplicable and very severe pain and other health symptoms, and at the same time I was having security problems with my computer. I tried getting new computers and was told someone had to hacking through wifi or bluetooth, because it happened before I was ever online. I would try out a brand new laptop and before I went online, had problems. A computer guy said to try desktop without wifi and when I still had someone hacking on, with 2 different desktops, I went to him to find out how this was even possible. He said the only way it was possible would be through sophisticated microwave frequency, by sending a "pulse". I asked him, if this was true and was happening, could it also explain our health problems and he said if we were getting that kind of level of radiation, yes. My and my son's symptoms were extremely painful and bizarre and we both experienced them. They were as follows:

1. constant diarrhea
2. severe twitching which would last all night (the worst symptoms were at night) and my son and I would twitch at the same time, in sync, not randomly
3. a burn mark on my son's leg where leg meets hip. It was never red. One day there was a round leathery and slightly darker patch of skin and the next day it peeled off whole, like a sunburn would. My son is 22 months old and was never around anything hot and the spot was seen by a doctor who said it wasn't eczema or psoriasis and nothing he could identify
4. severe blistering, ulcers, in my mouth on my upper and lower gums, 3 or 4 at a time (no other health condition to explain this)
5. the most severe fatigue I've ever known
6. Extremely deep aching pain in my bone through my spine, pelvis, and back. I thought I had bone cancer. I had some achiness that radiated down the front of my thighs to my knees and my son rubbed his own legs and would cry
7. severe intestinal burning
8. twice I had pieces of flesh/tissue which came from my body into the toilet and were not bloody but blanched off-white and were a quarter or more in size (second time observed by a nurse who said she saw the tissue asked if I was pregnant but I wasn't and there was zero chance of pregnancy/miscarriage)
9. loss of menstrual period (for me)
10. hair loss from head and non-growth of other body hair (under arms, a hair or two under chin which I usually had to pluck)
11. bloodwork that matches the bloodwork of someone undergoing chemotherapy: showed low WBC, and potassium, alkaline phosphate, and glucose--all in the abnormally low range
12. increase in pain in pelvis, spine, back and legs and stomach when administered DHE through an IV for migraine (3 things were in the IV but the DHE magnified and brought out an intensity in the pain which I cannot explain but there must be a scientific reason)
13. Severe bronchitis for me and my son (croup like respiratory problems and then severe bronchitis) occuring about 4 days after leaving site of believed exposure, where we experienced the symptoms for at least 4 months with growing intensity
14. nausea and loss of appetite for me and my son
15. very severe mood swings and confusion
16. pain so bad in my spine I couldn't stand more than 10 minutes and felt my spine was collapsing when I sat--felt too weak
17. warped/bubbled fingernails and (toenail on my son) with no dietary explanation (we eat organic food and are health nuts and drink bottled water)
18. unexplained constant bruising on arms and legs (about 8 at one time, from nickel size to baseball size)

In addition to the constant pain, both I and my son experienced sudden "jolts" of energy which caused an immediate pressure in my head, and then a crackling feeling or sound as the pressure lessened (my brow would become tight, the head pressure was so great), then almost immediate dizziness and passing out/blacking out followed by extreme stomach cramp and immediate urge to have a bowel movement. A bowel movement was unavoidable after the jolt. I had to try to gain balance and breathe, and make it to the bathroom. Then for at least a half hour to 45 minutes, I felt like I was dying. After 45 minutes the worst of the feeling/symptoms were gone, but one day, before I took my son and left, I had the jolt (and noticed my son was reacting to something too, but would be more lethargic or would scream and hold his head when it seemed to affect him and wake him from sleep) at least 3 times and each time grew weaker and couldn't even think straight. I almost felt I couldn't remember things, short term or recall important things. I had to call ER and they documented my normally low BP of about 70/90 was up to 100/145 and my heartbeat was irregular. That was the other things, I sometimes felt almost seizures or heart palpitations and problems.

The ER didn't know why I was coming in with severe pain and then had symptoms relieved within an hour or so at the hospital and thought it was "somatic" but it wasn't. I didn't come up with the radiation theory...I've had severe political/legal problems with powerful individuals and ever since I've had repeated car vandalisms, property damages and theft, stalking, and harassment as well as mail disturbances and hacking on my computers.

I went to the computer tech for answers about how to block someone from getting onto my computer and ruining things and preventing me from using the computer, and he was the first one to tell me the only way it was possible was through radio frequency or sophisticated microwave frequency. I sstarted looking at symptoms of radiation and I and my son matched those symptoms.

Now, because it sounds wild and unbelievable, Child Protective Services has taken my son from me and is saying I'm schitzophrenic. I've never been diagnosed with mental health illness in my life and my own family has looked at the criteria for schitzophrenia and knows I'm NOT. MY son was never at risk, authorities simpy believe the radiation is not true, even though there is some objective evidence of my symptoms. My family knows me well enough, as do my friends, to believe I should be tested for radiation exposure. I read it can be tested through fingernails even up to several weeks of exposure and last exposure was about 3-4 weeks ago. I am so convinced, I am willing to have a tooth pulled to have it tested and prove I'm not nuts and get my son back. I am also willing to give biopsies. I don't know who can do the testing but I am desperate for help and my family will pay for the testing, and they're not weirdos--they're real estate agents and investors. We are stable, grounded people who believe something very unlikely and horrible has happened and we need proving it. We will pay for the cost. We just need to find out who will do the testing, and make sure it's top-notch or will hold up in court, and because it may be time-sensitive, I'm anxious to do this as soon as possible. I would really appreciate any help. If you or someone from your school or lab or someone you know can do this, I will be on a plane ASAP.


  1. WOW! I just came across your post. Have you had the radiation exposure testing done? Do you have your son back? Are you safe now? Please give us an update. Hope you are well!

  2. Hello. No, the exposure testing hasn't been done because I have public defenders who don't listen to me and people who don't believe me. Also, it costs money which I don't have. I need to have it done. Blood assays would show some things, like DNA mutations from exposure, but there are other biometrical measurements and tests which can determine levels of exposure even years later. If someone knows someone who would do this for me, it would probably mean I got my son back immediately, because it can't be ruled out. Any private attorney I've talked to says it must be done, at least to rule it out, if not to prove what I was saying was true. I don't have my son back, and I believe that if this testing had been done in the beginning, he would be back with me already because it would prove he and I had severe pain and that there was an actual cause, and it wasn't "mental", although the severity of the exposure and duration certaintly affected my mental status at the time because it was so bad. I thought I was dying, and had it continued, I fully believe I would have died. My son still isn't speaking, and he had been previously, and I've basically lost my periods since it happened.

    I know I can prove it's true, but I don't have help.

    I'm "safe" in that I'm not being exposed any longer, but the damages are that my son was taken from me and both he and I continue to be refused diagnostics which will prove my claim.

    Thanks for the concern.
