Friday, February 22, 2008

U.S. Customs Border Patrol Officer's Offer to Witness My Being "Framed": Copy of Letter to Attorney

Mr. xxxxx(Attorney--name omitted),

I have a U.S. Customs supervisor willing to vouch for me on at least one recent matter. If I say to you, "Mr. xxxx, I was framed by Canadian customs..." does that make me mentally ill, a government conspirarist, or...? or is it possible that what I say is true? Isn't it at least possible, that my perceptions and judgments are sound, and that I have actually been targeted and defamed for some time? You're right, this case with CPS is a mess. My entire LIFE is a mess. And yet, I seem to be almost the only one who knows that I've never exaggerated the truth, or misrepresented the truth, and that I've tried in vain to find someone who will believe me and help me, and take my word for it, that many strange and bad things have happened, and I haven't "asked for it". Please see incident described below. It actually happened, and I have a witness, and yet if I just speak of it without a witness, no one would believe someone attempted to frame me (in a sense). This has been happening over and over and now my son is taken from me, not because of the truth, but because all the defamation has spun out of control. I am completely vulnerable now, as anyone thinks they can say anything about me, and be assured it is THEY who will be believed, not me. I need someone to help me get my credibility and reputation back, and I'm sorry if "radiation" sounds crazy...It happened. Period. And constant exposure can cause mood swings, severe ones, and other problems.

From: cameocares@live.comTo: (name omitted) @cbp.dhs.govSubject: Reminder For Mr. (name omitted): Your Offer To Be Contacted As Witness To EventsDate: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 15:16:41 -0800
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To Mr. (name omitted)
CBP Supervisor
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
100 Peace Portal DriveBlaine, WA 98230
360-332-8511 (tel)
360-332-8006 (fax)

Hello Mr. (name omitted),

I am sending this email as a reminder/refresher as to a situation that happened a few days ago. Canadian Customs threatened to arrest me and forced me to sign a statement that I was removing my application to enter Canada when I only went to them to ask them how to get my car back, and was NOT asking or trying to enter Canada. You gave me your card and said I could use your name. I haven't yet contacted the right people or written my letter to clear things up, but I wanted to send this to you so you don't forget about me in the meantime. My son was taken from me while I was in Canada, and I've been working retaining an attorney for custody issues has taken priority. My name is Cameo Garrett. DOB: (omitted). I was wearing grey slacks, black heels, and a long beige wool coat on the day I came into the U.S. Customs, Feb. 16, 2008. I currently live in (omitted), WA. My email address is this one, and my phone number is (omitted).

You are welcome to contact me at any time, for any reason. I am deeply grateful that you were there and overheard what was going on at Customs, and that you stepped up to offer your name as witness on my behalf. You didn't have to, and like you said, you see hundreds or thousands of people through Customs every week. If you had not overheard and offered your name, it would be my word against theirs.

If you don't remember who I am, or want more details, keep reading: They said I was illegally "in Canada" because I was in their Customs station and that "now" if I ever tried to enter Canada again I would be deported for life.

I was only trying to find out where my car was and how a friend could drive in to pick it up and if I could go with him by getting permission from them first. I told them I wasn't trying to enter Canada that day but my friend said he could take me the next day if I made arrangements with Canada. I was accused of trying to get into Canada simply by being in their station, and I was also harassed about why I had been living in Blaine rather than a prior residence in Wenatchee. They made me stand at their counter for 20 minutes and called immigration, telling me "there is a problem here" and repeatedly telling me they were thinking of arresting me. One officer in particular was the harasser, the other two were obviously sympathetic to me and looked sorry for what was happening. The ID number of the harasser was: 10046 or 10036. He was over 6 feet tall with light brown hair and blue eyes, caucasian.

He told me U.S. Customs was wrong to send me over there and that I was lying and knew better. I went back to U.S. Customs, angry they had sent me over there and put me in danger of arrest, and then you (name omitted) came over and said it was okay for people to go over there and ask questions, even if they had been removed before and not allowed to enter Canada for a year. You let me know that you had overheard, in U.S. Customs, before I ever went to Canada Customs, that I was NOT attempting to enter Canada, but only trying to find out how someone else could get my car back or how to get special permission to go in for my car. I showed you the form they made me sign, which is an "Allowed to Leave Canada" form. It states:

"To Cameo Garrett,Pursuant to Paragrah 42(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, I am allowing you to withdraw your application to enter Canada and to leave Canada without delay." Date signed: Feb. 16, 2008 I hereby voluntarily withdraw my application to enter Canada and agree to leave Canada without delay. (my signature follows this typed statement)."

I TOLD Canadian Customs that I was not applying to enter Canada and didn't want to sign something that made it sound like I was doing something I wasn't doing, and they threatened to arrest me again. So I signed it, and was upset because it makes me look like I was trying to do something I should have known better than to do, and lacked sound judgment (because I had been removed from Canada only a week earlier and told I could not go back for 1 year, unless I had permission from a Consulate). After the form was signed, they allowed me to leave. Halfway across the lawn, someone came running after me, the same guy (10046 or 10036), because he had given me someone else's birth certificate in addition to my own birth certificate. I gave him the birth certificate belonging to a man in the U.S...

What happened to me while I was in Canada was unbelievable and even RCMP officers were questioning what was going on--perplexed why there was such severe treatment of me when I'm not a criminal or under warrant. The immigration officer there, M. Russ Radi, even ordered jail guards to refuse me the right to call for a private attorney prior, when I made my request all day on a Monday which was the first day offices were open. The guards told me they had to follow his orders, and yet his order was illegal; I have the right, according to Canadian law, to make a phone call to a lawyer and try to reach one by phone. Radi didn't want me to obtain private counsel prior to the immigration hearing--he wanted me to go with a court-appointed lawyer last minute, and the results were disastrous. Radi also had my 2 year old son removed from me and shipped back to the U.S. when he knew I was legally in Canada and had done nothing wrong, and that my son should have remained with me unless extradition proceedings took place. I saw a lawyer in Canada, in Oliver, who advised me I was in Canada legally. In the end, I was handcuffed into a "dog crate" in a van and then dumped at the border. Thank you so much. This isn't a short "reminder" but I hope to stay in your mind well enough until I write my letter and send it to the Canada Customs/Consulate.

Sincerely, Cameo Garrett

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