Saturday, February 23, 2008

Why Symptoms Are Not From Narcotics

I don't really have the heart to write about funny anecdotes or NFTNs right now. There will be time for that later. But I am hoping and praying the right person will come across my blog and contact me and be able to help or offer inside information or offer to be a witness on my behalf, to the situations I've been through. In this little post, I am going to write about my prescription use of narcotics, and how I've not been addicted or taken too much and why it wasn't the problem. I'll make it short.

I've never used illegal drugs or tried them prior to, or during the time of what I believe was possible radiation exposure. I have only had experience with prescription narcotics, low-level, for documented pain and I've always weaned myself from their use when the pain subsided.

There is absolutely zero chance my symptoms were from narcotic use. I took the pain medication as prescribed, except for once or twice, when I tried taking more to see if it helped the pain. I never got "high" or did it for a thrill. I've had three times of major injury where I was put on narcotics: car accident in 1995, car accident in 2004, and after traumatic childbirth in 2006. I weaned myself from narcotics (5 mg. Percocet) in 1995, and from 10 mg. Oxycontin in 2004, and from 10 mg. Percocet in 2008. I know how to taper, and the only thing I notice when tapering properly is a little aches and pains (normal aches and pains). I have never experienced twitching, or jerking, or "kicking", or sweating, or anything severe.

This last time I was on narcotics, it was off and on for a year, and I had periods of 6 months taking narcotics with zero symptoms, at the same level as when I began having weird "symptoms" which I know were not from narcotics. There was no "build-up" of toxins because I was made to go entirely off of them periodically.

And I was still taking prescription narcotics, as prescribed, when I went to Canada, and the symptoms went away. When I tapered off, I still had no weird symptoms. Narcotics were not the source of the "symptoms".

I don't crave narcotics and never have, now or then, nor am I tempted to find some to take. I don't have pain anymore that is severe and take only Advil and Tylenol. In the past, I asked ER for narcotic relief (Demerol) because it was the only thing I found that helped the pain of my migraines and I'd never found anything else to relieve or abort migraines. I was never "drug-seeking". I was pain-relief seeking. When I was in Canada, they tried DHE on me and it worked on my migraine. I now have Migranol which I'm looking foward to trying and hope it works as well as DHE in an IV. I also tried a newer triptan when I was offered samples from a Canadian walk-in. In the past, Immitrex and other triptans didn't help at all. But I tried Axert. It aborted my migraines within a half hour, and it stayed away for a day, but I had to take another tablet the next morning as it came back. I would say Axert was somewhat effective. I don't know why it would work when Immitrex didn't, but it at least helps.

Mental illness worsens with stress, it doesn't improve. If my symptoms were from mental illness, they would have become worse as my levels of stress increased, and my stress increased dramatically and yet I had total resolution of the "symptoms".

I don't know who or what would do this to me and my son, but I am still concerned for our safety. This is why I am going to write seriously about some things I've been through and when the problems began, to help someone understand that it is very possible I made the wrong people angry enough to do something so hideous and unthinkable.

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