Saturday, February 23, 2008

Son's Toys Playing On Their Own At My Aunt's House: It Was Not My "Imagination" or "Delusion"

My aunt sent an email to my mother, which was passed onto me. She told my mother I (Cameo) was right, that my son's toy train had started periodically playing music on its own, without anyone touching the button. It's doing this at her house now, where he is.

I did not only report my son's toy train going off by itself at our house. His other toy, a toolbench, played by itself too, when it was in the same corner the toy train was in when it played on its own.

I also, at that time, had my phone calls to a particular number, going to completely different numbers for organizations I had not dialed for.

This was when I also noticed the hacking on my computers.

I am told my son has started having temper tantrums at my aunt's house. Sometimes, his reaction to pain looked like a temper tantrum. My grandfather saw one, that lasted for over a half hour, and agreed it was clear it wasn't behavioral, but from pain. My son's stomach seemed to hurt him and he would arch his back and scream and cry. At the same time, I was usually feeling the burning in my stomach or severe pain myself.

The CPS worker told my aunt my son's temper tantrums are common in children who have been removed from their families: it is a sign of distress and trauma.

I have to, as a mother who knows what was happening back at our house was real, and being too familiar with the pain and odd things that were going on (different toys going off on their own) and my phone calls being redirected and my computer hacked and experiencing pain, be concerned about my son's current safety.

One toy, his toy train, is going off on it's own at my aunt's house. The computer tech I spoke with said someone could do this and manipulate this by a very powerful pulse. He said it's possible to make battery operated toys go off on their own only with a strong pulse.

One would think an entire household could "feel" something happening if something was happening. But is it possible to send a pulse in a more targeted fashion? For example, my son's toys, 2 different ones, only went off when they were in a particular corner of a room.

I want someone to look after my aunt's family and provide protection. I do not believe they, or my son are necessarily safe. I want protection for my son. My aunt's family is the best possible caregiver, but they are unaware of what I and my son have been through.

I need someone to listen to me and look out for them and watch over the house. I hope someone gets this message.

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