Sunday, March 23, 2008

Music & Politics

I'm feeling chatty and I've been dog sick for over a week. With that stuffed nose, plugged ears, and bronchitis cough thing. It's TERRIBLE. So I've been sitting around at the computer more because I cough more when I'm moving about. Which means I'm looking up news articles I wouldn't usually read: about horses going on elevators in the hospital. Marijuana articles. Info about Tomas Caballero for my case.

Watched a LOT more MTV. And A LOT of the VH1 Soul Videos. And political debates. So, first things

I like Erykah Badu. I wrote a post about her which I deleted. I should have kept it. I adore her video "Honey" and wrote something about how she wasn't just skin, she was real, and how I liked her attitude. I have decided I MUST have her new CD, "New Amerykah". It's the only one I want to buy right now. This is a musician who could, both arouse and satiate my curiosity. I love the part in "Honey" where it shifts to the other music and she's doing her little shuffle, twisty thing around the mic in those leggings. And I like the part where she's doing her head toss in the Beatles clip, and the "Riding My Hip" title of the Stones mag, and her attitude when she's on the cover pulling greenbacks out of the stack and then a little paper crane (is it?) from behind his ear. Also like her eyes moving around like there's a bumblebee buzzing outside the frame. And she's 37?

Heard Amy Winehouse for the first time. "No Good". It was sort of good. The lyrics were good, and she's got a great voice, but compared to Erykah, not very original. I think Alicia Keys has a more remarkable speaking voice than singing voice, but I like the video where she's a waitress. I think I like it because she's talking more in it (You Don't Know My Name).

I always turn up Salt 'N' Pepa's "Whatta Man". It's never old. I couldn't keep still to Ruffneck's "Makes Me Move" (it DOES! that is, makes you move). And I still like Mariah Carey, even when she's singing dumb candy songs. I still remember the first time I ever heard her, on the radio singing "Vision of Love." I was a new teenager and knew she was going to be a major star. After one listen. I notice female singers more, I think, because I'm a female singer of sorts. I like Danity Kane's "Damaged". Oh yeah, am I ever damaged and can I sing along. Ha. It's a fun one to throw around. The brunette with long curly hair is the one with charisma. Right at this moment I'm watching Mary J. Blige (msp?) in concert "let's get it, perc(u)late it, why you waitin'?..." Oh, one video I just saw that I loved, by a man, was Outcast w/ Cee-Lo "In Due Time". I laughed out loud when the guy started running away from the chain-gang. The mix was so creative and then I noticed, "Aha! Erykah had a hand in it!" See, I know what I like and I know a good thing when I see (hear) it. Also liked something I heard of a male band called "Slightly Stoopid" but I only heard one song.

I think I'm voting for Obama. I'll have to read more about all the actual policies and positions first.

I have great respect for J. McCain. I think he'd do a good job and I have admiration for what he's been through and for standing up about the torture thing. But I'm leaning a little more "Democratic Party" right now. I support Hillary as a woman and think she gets a bad rap for being strong, as a woman, (I can relate), but she's too slick. I like her policies but I don't know that I trust her. Obama, on one hand, seems like a kid out there. I think he's a little "young" in more than one way, but something wants to give him a chance. Can he stand up to pressure? Not just hold up under pressure--stand up to it? I want to know.

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