Sunday, March 23, 2008

Weird Science

Aaaaaaaah. Anyone who thinks smoking pot gives you a high, should try going for a run. Mmmmm. I am so relaxed right now, and calm, and happy. Talk about stoned. I'm serious--if one is physically capable of exercise, it's the best high I've had, by far. The bonus is that it's good for your brain too.

I just got back from a run. It was cloudy, then drizzling, then pouring, then FLOODING, and then hailing. I felt like I was back in Portland, Oregon.

Not kidding about the runners high. It's 10x better than smoking pot. I feel so disillusioned, like a victim of propaganda. I'm even thinking now... "Hey! They say shrooms sometimes permanently eradicate cluster headaches--GO FOR IT MAaaaaan!" Not me, as my headaches are clearly migraine, since they responded so well to DHE, and run in a cycle. But I've read stuff about the CIA and other organizations finding out LSD works for clusters. Bring it on people. Lets not hide the help from the masses.

I think the pharmaceutical argument is true, that companies don't want to compete with marijuana. I mean, think about it. If pot is better than Topamax, which costs a FORTUNE, and people can keep their seizures in check with a plant they grow in their's losing money? The wrong people, right now are losing money. Common, hard-working, law-abiding people of America.

Okay, well anyway, I've decided I want to marry a scientist (that was scientist, not scientologist). He can experiment on me.

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