Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Copy of Communications From My "Lawyer"

Below is a cut and paste from an email exchange between me and my former lawyer:

I have missed my visitation with my son. I had to take a bus this early morning to see him. I didn't go, because I was waiting for this "letter" from you. You faxed it to the AG yesterday, and spoke with him on the phone, but didn't send it to me, even as I asked for it by email. You had all DAY yesterday. I stayed in town this morning, believing I had to pick up the original from you, and now I've lost a visitation with my son that could have been avoided.

Also, the reason for continuance is not to have someone else just look the pleading over, it was because the ENTIRE strategy and plan was changed on me last minute. I didn't even know I was being told to go with a PD until last FRIDAY. I don't think a judge will give me continuance so someone else can "look this over". He'll say I had a lawyer, and someone giving advice, and I chose not to take it. (or that I knew all along I was pro se and had plenty of time to ask someone else for a second opinion).

The point is that we hired you for ONE thing, and at the very last minute, I was told to go PRO SE, AND take a court appointed attorney AND keep all the proceedings in Wenatchee when I have specifically wanted CHANGE OF VENUE.

Wenatchee CPS is telling me they're going to fight against my having more time to visit my son, telling me it's because I live too far away. I have made every prior visit, hopping on a bus without even the hotel room in place, every single week, and I've never been late. I have repeatedly asked for MORE visitation and they constantly pressure me, badger me, and try to force me, using my SON as bait, bribe, and leverage, to move back to Wenatchee. I CAN'T EVEN GET NORMAL MEDICAL CARE IN WENATCHEE. I have been consistently refused standard of care, and diagnostics, and have had 2 different clinics/hospitals file legal injunctions against me after THEY violated HIPPA and defamed me all over town, to my insurance companies, to doctors OUT of town, and to CPS. After I threatened to sue them. I CANNOT LIVE IN WENATCHEE and I deserve and my SON deserves more time with me. My son should be LIVING with me now, not over there. And you hadn't even filed a response for the Shelter Care, which could have argued how I should be able to have my son with me, and how I have a safe place for him to live. Filing a response to the allegations, as far as I know, blocks my ability to get change of venue. You have to get change of venue in the beginning.

I'm not getting the legal help I need, and it was WRONG to lead me to believe I had representation and needed only to sign a retainer, and then be thrown back to Wenatchee last minute. You even called Paul Cassell, before you called ME to see if this would be acceptable to me, to go with court appointed representation which I've already made clear I DON'T want. I didn't find out about this until Friday afternoon, after 3 p.m. Like I even have time to write my own Motions this last minute. I don't think you were working for me. I don't know anyone who would pull this kind of thing, with no notice, when we were even paying you for your services.

----------------------------------------> To: cameocares@live.com> Subject: Letter> Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:24:41 -0400> From: beatylaw@aol.com>> Hi Cameo,> Here is the letter you are looking for.> Rachel>>>> March 17, 2008>> Douglas County Court> Presiding Judge> Douglas County Court House> P.O. Box 488> Waterville, WA. 98858>> RE: Cameo Garrett,>> Your Honor,>> It is my understanding that Ms. Garrett, who is presently pro se, will> appear at the Shelter Care hearing on> 3-19-08 and ask the court for additional time to have her Responsive> pleadings and her declaration filed. I have assisted her on a pro se> assisted basis with the purpose of preparing papers, papers have been> prepared and she wants additional time to have them reviewed by another> attorney before this upcoming hearing. I have advised her of the> limited scope of the hearing, of the issue of legal representation, of> the need to close pleadings et cetera, and she is aware that the court> will want to move the case along. I have spoken with Mr. Castle. She> has formulated a plan; she does need counsel; she needs some limited> additional time to make those arrangements. I am convinced she has a> valid position. She has not had the benefit of counsel prior to meeting> with me, and as the case is factually complex, she wants some brief> additional time so she may find private counsel closer to Waterville to> review her declaration and her response. She wants a second opinion> and has asked me to write this letter to show the court and the> opposing party that she learned about what I have told her only at the> last minute; that she is not stalling and that her need for added time> is genuine.>> I faxed a copy of this letter to the AG on Monday and discussed with> him its contents.>> Sincerely,>>> ROBERT E. BEATY> WSBA #: 5542>

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