Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lawyer Was Former Altar Boy

I'm starting to think Mr. Beaty wasn't what I thought at the start. I also found out, last FRIDAY, what his church affiliation is. Guess. I started wondering after he was recommending all these things which were not zealous and which harmed my case. So I asked him if he was Catholic, wondering if he'd read about me or someone talked to him and influenced him, or what.

He's not just Catholic, he's a former altar boy, and he said he's never seen any abuses by the church, and that he had good experiences and never saw that kind of thing. He said he's never had a problem with the church.

Can I have a Jewish, Agnostic, or Atheist lawyer now? Please? I can't prove conflict of interest and that this influenced his position on my case, but whenever something bad has happened, it usually has it's root in someone who is part of some fringe group in the Catholic church, or someone who is Catholic who read the WW article or something else defamatory and has their mind made up that I'm bad and I did something wrong to their church or clergy, and not the other way around, and then I end up getting screwed by them. Maybe he's just not very good and that's all there is to it. Even a bad lawyer, though, would recognize the implications of things he's suggested. I'm not even a lawyer and I can see it.

Would I write all about a lawyer on a blog typically, that I hired which I paid? NO! Not even if we disagreed. The problem here is that no normal lawyer would propose some of the strategy and arguments he's proposed, LAST MINUTE, and it's fishy that I had the rug pulled out from under me totally last minute. That is NOT normal. I can handle discussing differences in opinion, and arguing about the best course...but you figure it out ahead of time, and don't spring it on a client on the last day and then write a letter that claims your client just needs more time for a second opinion. I need time to find a second fucking attorney. Or at least time to draft my own Motions.

Oh. Does swearing make me an unfit mother? Well, I guess I'm unfit then, in the 1% of the day where the afterglow of having to deal with shit wears thin. Even the people I live with now and lived with in Canada know it's extremely rare for me to swear at all. But THIS kind of thing will certaintly BRING IT ON!


  1. Cameo,
    I have had issues with lawyers, first when I was sited for the accident that was not my fault, and second when I was sued. I did so much of the leg-work myself on the first case and yet still paid more money than I had available (I had to take out a loan). Yet, he pulled through and won the case for me. This last time I was too busy to do the leg-work and things (like you) changed on me when I did not even realize it was going to. I actually had told him to do one thing that he just did not do at one point. I was very frustrated as you can imagine, especially when money was going out the door at such high rates. In the end, he really did help though. I think these lawyers have so much going on at one time. Customer service is not their forte, and sometimes what they think is the best thing to do is not what you think is the best thing to do.
    I'm not siding with your lawyer by any mean. I'm just letting you know that it's a very common thing. What matters most is the end result. At both cases I was feeling very unrepresented, I felt like I was being taken advantage of. It all came together in the end because of his expertise. End results Cameo is what matters. I would hate for you to have put so much money and time into a lawyer and then find the same problems with the next one.
    I'm so far away though, so I might be totally off base.

  2. Kelly,

    Well, Mr. Beaty gets a public defender. You! ;) Like I said, I don't know what the deal is, but I know how bad it's been over there, and I need a very good and experienced TEAM of attorneys. Not that I'm going to get that, but I am sure hoping and praying for a miracle. I'm doing my best, and looked for a better job today, but that means I won't be able to see my son because CPS refuses to allow visitation on weekends or evenings. I really need help.
