Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Crazy Comment

I got a crazy comment which wants to be publicly posted, and I am all for free speech. I haven't refused to post comments I didn't like, simply because I didn't like them. However, this last one, sent at about 10 a.m., sounds like something a crazy family member would send, who is angry that I wrote anything about my family online at all. So I'm not publishing that. They know how to reach me by email and what my private account is, and if they don't have the courage to say something like that to my face, knowing it's wrong, I'm not publishing it. If it was someone else writing it, it would have to be someone who only got one side of the story, who doesn't have the courage to be known by name. Send me an email if you want to rant privately, and if you want to debate, debate on your feet with your palms open. I don't have time for cowards.

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