Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Found Paul Glassen

I'm not going to disclose any details of my communications with Paul, but we are in touch. Wow. I feel tired already. He made it. I didn't. But we were on a similiar trajectory and how can one not feel an instant connection to someone who understands what you're up against?

How funny that he is/was a mental health counselor. I'm the alleged mentally ill. I'm fighting CPS, and he was an employee of CPS. Both of us were whistleblowers in Wenatchee. Both of us were victims of politics. Both of us left for Canada. It's interesting. I guess the big difference in making decisions about immigration is whether one is on welfare or not?
I haven't contacted some of the other families yet, but I have Robbi Roberson's name. I really want to meet and connect with these families--parents, kids, and others, whose lives were affected. It would be a big challenge and a HUGE responsibility, to collect information and then write WELL about the lives of other people, but I think I could put my heart into it and do it justice. If anyone is thorough, I am. I would probably be praying before I wrote, and throughout the whole process, to have the right words. It's different. I want to try it though.

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