Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wenatchee Justice

I responded to comments for another post and realized, this should be it's own post because it explains the Judges in the area, and past experiences with the PD system in Wenatchee, and I think valid reason why we desperately need change of venue:

Anonymous said...
I thought you lived in East Wenatchee, not Wenatchee, which would make it Douglas County, not Chelan County, which would be Waterville, not Wenatchee where you'd be in court.

March 18, 2008 7:59 AM
Mama said...
Yes, hello. Thank you for asking. I don't know if you're local or not but in case you're not, East Wenatchee is still Wenatchee. There's E. Wenatchee and (W. Wenatchee) and a river divides them. It's all the same town. Although the counties are technically different, it's pretty much the same thing. The court is in Waterville, for Douglas County, but the politics are the same regardless and the river has never been a barrier to gossip and misinformation. The mentality and system is pretty much the same too. Everyone knows eachother because the 2 parts of town (E & W) run into eachother and it's a small area. The medical community serves both Douglas and Chelan county, and the prejudice against me is throughout the area.

As for people knowing people, Judge Nancy Harmon, who is now a Judge for Wenatchee, was formerly the Prosecuting Attorney for Douglas County (E. Wenatchee) and she and Judge Hotchkiss (E. Wen. judge) know eachother well. Judge Harmon was absolutely prejudiced and terrible towards me, screaming at me in court and insulting me, on the record, when I was before her. She had some preconceived ideas about me and came into court with them.

As for the other Judges in the area, it is good for Wenatchee that Judge Warren is gone. He was putting first time DUI offenders in jail (I watched as someone's grandma got sentenced) and then letting admitted sex offenders go scot-free. He also had me jailed for something I didn't do, a misdemeanor, and although it was a first time charge, and I should have had personal recoginance (where you are not jailed but show up for court hearing)he made me sit in jail for 14 days. During this same time, I was writing kites (requests) to Judge Warren, for reduction of bail, P.R., and a number of things, and he told the guards to return my kites to me unfiled. This is flat-out illegal. A judge may refuse to grant requests, but they cannot refuse to have them filed, and he did. Judge Warren was also the person responsible for telling police in ANOTHER STATE that my license was suspended when it was NOT, which resulted in my car being towed in Oregon and the DMV gave me proof I was never legally suspended; when I went to Judge Warren to fix this, he refused to my face, and I had to go then to the DMV to get papers to prove I wasn't suspended and get another license. After this, I went to Wes, the Wenatchee FBI guy whose office is on the 3rd or 4th floor of the Post Office building, and told him about this, and how I was going to write a complaint in to the Judicial Fitness people and maybe others, and I asked if I should make one to the FBI and to all of them he said, "Judge Warren is retiring anyway, so he'll be gone." He was dismissive and then went on to praise Judge Nakata and told me he didn't think ANY Wenatchee Judge would have bought drugs from a dealer (I found out from a family member that the Judge DID buy, I think from THEM). That was the first and last time I saw Wes, and the last time he would see me.

Judge John Bridges is supposed to be halfway okay, but he his wife works for CPS and they sent "the Judge's wife" out to visit me after the first complaint to CPS by the doctors. He had to recuse himself from further dealings with me. Judge Small, I'm told, comes into court with his mind already made up and favors one party over the other, usually the one with more clout or someone he knows. Judge Nakata thanked me for "your honesty" when I admitted to speeding in court for a traffic ticket, knowing I didn't HAVE to, because the officer didn't show up. I could have, and should have, won by default. But when Nakata pressed on to read the report by the officer who wasn't even present, I voluntarily told the truth, when I could have even just pointed out the cop wasn't there to defend his case, simply because I wasn't going to falsely accuse an officer of being wrong. Nakata took less than $100 off of a $700 ticket, in appreciation for my "honesty". I've never had a Judge reduce a ticket by less than half, but Nakata seemed to want to make a point. I thought it was odd.

Judge Lesley Allan I had to ask to recuse herself, after trial had begun with the hospital injunction against me, because she didn't even attempt to mask her prejudice. Not wanting to have further evidence dragged into court against her, she recused herself voluntarily. Those are pretty much the Judges. And most of the same Judges who sent innocent people to jail in the Wenatchee Witch Hunt deal, are still judges.

The politics do not end at the river. Judges talk, and they go to lunch with DAs and are in the same social clubs. Most of the judges, to have a chance to be nominated by the public in the area, have to be locals, which means they were born and raised in the area, or have been there for 20 or more years, and have become a part of the small town mentality.

The police all work together, and CPS is the same CPS for E. Wenatchee and Wenatchee, and CPS has been out of bounds and NOT working cooperatively with me. I had a couple of complaints pending with DSHS, including against the supervisor Debbie Schomer, at this time too, which CPS works closely with. My own former social worker in DSHS started a complaint against me herself, while supposedly acting as my social worker, and after some crazy manipulation and lying, moved over to CPS to work for that department. She was best friends with my former counselor, Brett McDonald, and McDonald actually begged me not to call her to testify to the facts when I had a hearing against DSHS because she didn't want her friend to get into trouble. CPS in Wenatchee knows I have a job and while they have the ability to schedule visitation for evenings or weekends, they refuse to do so, scheduling times in the middle of the week, which they know affects my work. They don't care, because they don't want me to be working in Bellingham and have a reason for change of venue.

I called Bellingham CPS and asked them if they would take my case and the guy was pleasant, without issues, and said they would and wondered why Wenatchee CPS wouldn't let go of this case and wanted to keep it to themselves. He thought it was odd, but told me he couldn't do anything unless they agreed to turn it over to their jurisdiction. He said it made much more sense, since I was living and working in Bellingham area, to have it moved to this location, but Wenatchee won't do it.

Why? because from the first, they've been dishonest, politically motivated, and control freaks. They know they have a better chance of getting their way with a Judge THEY know, in a small town. No one else would put up with their crap, especially not in King county, and it doesn't sound like Whatcom thinks they're reasonable either.

Wenatchee CPS, after they first talked to the Wenatchee hospital ER doctors who complained about me, offered me and my son a one-way bus ticket out of the state. I am not kidding. The doctors wanted me out of town because I was calling them onto the carpet, and they knew I was looking for lawyer to sue them for a number of things. If I was out of the state, it would be more difficult for me to retain an attorney. At the same time, all the medical clinics in the town were refusing to provide standard of care for me and my son, which is pretty much pushing us out and trying to force us to leave. I had several doctors tell me to my face that I should leave the area, and to try to pressure me into this, they refused services by allowing me come to the clinic or hospital, but refusing to treat me or do diagnostics, and then writing up crazy things in my chart.

The doctors know CPS and they're all inter-related and friends and even residents of Wenatchee will be the first to tell you that if you need a medical malpractice attorney you have to go to Seattle because all the Wenatchee lawyers do favors for the doctors.

It's not a good place. I really need private representation.

March 18, 2008 8:49 AM
Mama said...
I guess I should also mention, I know what the public defense is like in this area. I had to use it when Warren threw me in jail on trumped charges and my own PD threatened me and told me to take a plea bargain for something I didn't do. I had evidence to back up my defense and he wouldn't get it, even though he only had to get a counseling record and some police records.

Instead, when I refused to take a plea, knowing it was wrong and would affect my future, he brought in his BOSS to sit next to me and try to intimidate me. He told me if I didn't take the plea (we were already sitting in the courtroom and waiting our turn before a judge) that he would have to take my case to trial the very next day and we would lose. I told him no we were NOT going to trial the very next day, because he hadn't even obtained character witnesses or the evidence that exonnerated me.

They still pressured me, telling me (I was newly pregnant) that I would end up in jail for a year and my son would be taken from me in jail. He got on the phone and talked to the DA like they were best friends and had lunch everyday.

I was so worked up, I had more migraines, and severe anxiety, but I held my ground. I knew I was innocent.

The DA was forced to drop and dismiss all charges against me because I wouldn't take the plea, because he admitted they didn't have any witnesses, and no evidence.

It was one of the hardest things I've done. Did anyone hold the PDs accountable? no. Did anyone hold Judge Warren accountable, even after I told my PD and he agreed what the Judge had done was illegal? no.

My family was telling me to take the plea. My family listens to legal professionals, even if they're on the other side, and assume everyone is the good guy, and that I don't know what I'm talking about when I say I will get screwed. I have had accurate judgement about legal situations, but my family is sheltered and doesn't get it. I trust my own intuition and analysis over my family's. And, I have so far, always been right.

I asked my family for help with legal assistance BEFORE CPS took my son because I knew it was getting worse and I kept being harassed. I told them it was "too late" after they took my son, and would cause him and me trauma. They didn't believe me. They said they'd help with a lawyer if someone really took him away. Then, when they did, they attach all kinds of "conditions" and after I even agree to them, they change their end of the deal and think I should just follow along.

It's not in my or my son's best interest.

I have been told, by mainly smaller town lawyers, that to represent my case properly, it will cost between $20,000-$30,000.

All of them agree my case is very complicated, and that a variety of tests need to be done (not just for private mental evaluation, but for biological dosimetry to prove radiation or microwave theories) and that the people working against me have power and resources and will railroad me without zealous representation.

I tried to keep an open mind about CPS, but in Wenatchee they've just lied to my face and purposefully attempted to provoke me, and even the legal secretaries at law offices, when they read my response to their allegations, are convinced they are biased and motivated politically. "WHAT is their PROBLEM?!!!!" said Beaty's secretary. They also cannot believe what I and my son have had to suffer with from a traumatic childbirth at the hospital, and think there is an FBI/Catholic fringe group connection. The key is fringe. I've never alleged everyone who is Catholic is "out to get" me, as it's been written up. I just know some very bizarre things have happened, and the only group that would have access to the kind of sophisticated equipment a computer tech said would have to be used to hack onto my desktops (without using internet) and cause health problems, would be either state, FBI, or someone within an organization that had access or from a church that had a lot of resources.

We also want to get records from the FBI and other organizations, including police the Mt. Angel Abbey and Catholic church lawyers used against me to further their agenda. These would be FOIA requests. I've been slandered and a lawyer needs to find out where this is coming from.

But it takes money, that I don't have, and the people trying to railroad me and blacklist me, KNOW and knew ahead of time that I didn't have the money to fight them or defend myself.

I need some help. I am having to go outside of my family to ask for it.

That was the end of copying the comments, and this doesn't include my full and entire reason for needing change of venue from Wenatchee. I have documentation of all the police stuff that was happening and how many times they were profiling me and pulling me over for things I hadn't even done (like, saying I ran a light and then admitting I didn't and asking to see my driver's insurance--this sort of thing happened THREE specific times).

Because of all the problems with a Judge in Wenatchee (Chelan county), when I had Lesley Allan recused, she appointed an Okanogan Judge who repeatedly refused to acknowledge my inability to attend hearings which were always, interestingly, scheduled for the periods in which I suffer from migraine. He claimed I didn't really have them or was making excuses, and I finally realized, later, that these ER doctors from the hospital, because of having access to my medical records, probably KNEW when I had my migraines and had their lawyer schedule for those dates, knowing they were also refusing to treat me at that time and I had no remedy for the migraines. I realized by the 3rd hearing because suddenly I thought, "Wait a second...3 times?" My migraines come like clockwork, usually, because they follow a menstrual cycle pattern. So they could guess. At any rate, even if the scheduling wasn't intentional, the Judge from Okanogan refused to accomodate my disability.

The only Judge LEFT, in the area, for me to deal with, is Hotchkiss. And he's the gem of the valley? The entire system is crooked and yet Hotchkiss has been comfortable living there for 20 years or more, and he's different? At the first hearing with him I said I didn't want to speak without a lawyer present and wanted time to find private representation, and AFTER this, Judge Hotchkiss allowed AG Tomas Cabellero to harass me with questions, specifically questions about the paternity, which I've already discussed with the child support lawyers and they were satisfied with my answers. I answered the first questions from AG Cabellero, even though I didn't want to, but the Judge didn't stop him, and then when he started getting aggressive, with a mean tone, and asked "Where was your son CONCEIVED?" (What's he asking next?!--"What position?")...I said, "Umm, I'm not answering that and said I want to have a lawyer representing me," to which the Judge said, "Yes, okay, that's fine." But it sort of sounded like he was getting into it, enjoying it.

What I didn't like, was noticing how AG Cabellero used an extremely aggressive and mean attack style with me, like a screaming Jack Nicolson, before Judge Hotchkiss, and then in the next teleconference with Comissioner Jill Wyse, he sounded like Barney the Dinosaur, with a gumby voice and speaking softly, slowly, and very polite. I thought what the heck? This guy is an actor, and he knows these Judges and will play into their styles. And if he was comfortable attacking me before Judge Hotchkiss, that is a bad sign. And the Judge let him get away with some of it.

The entire thing just needs to be removed, for multiple reasons. As for Waterville, it's the same thing as Wenatchee. Interestingly, the Abbot Nathan Zodrow, was born and raised in Waterville, where he is now an icon of prestige within the community. Why? Well, he just so happened to land this Abbot position over at Mt. Angel Abbey, in Benedict, Oregon, which is where my problems with clergy began, and how I ended up in litigation with the Catholic church. Abbot Nathan had a huge influence in the outcome, and asked people to do unethical things, and would smirk at me and laugh when he saw me in the courthouse, out of sight of others. The guy asked his town police to put me under investigation, and those town police also went to HIS Abbey church. The first time I ever had problems with anyone in law enforcement, was after Mt. Angel Abbey told the police to put me under investigation, after I reported to them inappropriate behavior by a monk. I had an excellent record, no drugs, alcohol, or party use, had been sexually abused and wasn't the type to then go to a monastery to "seduce a monk", and I had been a volunteer for their library and received direction from one of their priests. I had tons of friends, was happy and adjusted, and sincere. I had excellent references all around, and no one had ever done anything bad to me before. Until the monks of Mt. Angel Abbey. And Nathan Zodrow was the one in charge. This is a powerful man, of a powerful monastery, and the monk I reported was big-time and flown all around the world (still is) to give lectures. After Zodrow was involved, I had received a citation for a non-traffic offense, for the first time in my life, for a misdemeanor I didn't commit (which he didn't file with the court and just used to intimidate me) and said, "Ms. Garrett, I'm Catholic and YOU offend my church!" and he gave me a ticket with that. Lynn Morris, under direction from Zodrow, asked the police to charge me with other things as well, which were never filed and dropped, because I reported the conduct and was keeping records. At that time, they were afraid of me. Ever since, they've done everything they can to discredit me, so that when I finally tell the whole story, no one will believe me. I started having serious car vandalisms with slashed tires and other things (even pulled tubes which a mechanic told me was deliberate) all the way to Washington. I thought it would end in Oregon, but it didn't. It followed me when I left, and I have sworn witness statements about it. Zodrow? I'm sure he knows some people in Waterville.

They knew I was moving to Wenatchee because litigation was still going on with the Catholic church when I moved, and a friend I'd thought was my friend, knew all the details of my plans, and I later found out, she was involved with them, the Catholic church lawyers, all along. Christa Schneider. She knew about my migraines and how I had to go to ER for them and she knew I was going to Wenatchee months before I left. The problems followed me to Wenatchee. I had told Christa, "I'm getting out of Oregon and then when I have a normal life in Wenatchee, I will write about the monks and what their lawyers did to me, and everyone will know it's true, because I won't have the same problems in Wenatchee." She asked me about this several times. I think the Catholic church lawyers and their clients had motive to stir up trouble for me over here, knowing ahead of time, about my plan. It began with a few individuals and then, like all misinformation, spread. Now, they probably think they've won it all. They were trying to tell people I was mentally ill and schitzophrenic in 2001, after I reported their guys. Actually, they went through the whole book of diagnostics. I never was, and I was in college at the time and doing extremely well, and had long-time friends, so they couldn't keep it up very well. After they got a Catholic reporter to write The Willamette Week article about me, which was completely false and defamatory to ME, not the monk, everything got worse for me. It was online and people believed it. It wasn't my blog that the Canadian immigration lawyer had on the top of his folder, for his excuse to get rid of me. He had a copy of The Willamette Week article, right there on the top of his folder. He tried to conceal it when I came closer, and I said, "(long intake of air-gasp... "You're using THAT?!") He said, "It's online for everyone to read." I said, "Do you believe everything you read?!!" He looked ashamed of himself. But you see, my problems with Mt. Angel Abbey and their lawyers who were all Catholic, have affected my life and they didn't quit after litigation. They wanted to bury me. The FBI guys who assaulted me right after the publication of the article, were also Catholic. This is a known fact. When I then moved to Wenatchee, the main thing was to keep me down so if I started writing, no one would believe me. Christa Schneider kept asking me to send her a copy of my book about everything, telling me she would edit it for me and have it published. She also wanted me to send her all my undeveloped film, some which had photos of her and other things. To New York. Where she was living. Okay, now I'm getting ahead of myself. I need to start writing in the true life story posts again.

Anyway, Christa also asked me which kind of death I would hate most...like, fire, or by drowning, etc. I told her what I thought and she kept grilling me about it. I thought it was odd, but didn't know. I told her, really, I didn't fear death too much but that what would be worse was "torture".

A bunch of crazy things were happening in those last 4 months before I left with my son to Canada, and I am not mentally ill. I was confused, then, and extremely distraught and distressed, because no one listened to me. What happened to me also happened to my son. No one believes me yet, actually, a few do..and my last lawyer said he did.

It may sound weird, but that's why I need to write out the "true life story" to fill in the blanks and put all this history into a linear narrative.

I need biological dosimetry, period. I will be able to prove what I've been saying is true. But I need money, and I don't have it, and my parents don't have it and aren't helping now, at ALL, and I have to ask for help because a court appointed attorney isn't going to cut it, and I cannot keep this thing in Wenatchee. If I go back, I will be railroaded. And I do not feel safe, in any way, over there.

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