Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Capitalism & CPS

I had a thought today, that if Capitalism is the great experiment, perhaps someone who heads the team of experimental scientists should evaluate its impact on the poor and prejudice in America, especially as regards Child Protective Services.

I called a volunteer legal place today and was told they don't handle any matter where a "court appointed attorney" is automatically provided (dependencies). WHY is a court appointed attorney provided? because ALL of the people having their families torn apart or being accused are "indigent". Which, I think, must be the worst possible thing one can be these days, and puts children at the greatest "risk" for harm.

This structure has REALLY got to change, for the sake of children, and their parents, and Justice Herself. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is completely infringed upon when poor families are taken advantage of and targeted because of bias. There could be no greater infringement on "the pursuit of happiness" than having families separated, damaged unnecessarily, and often destroyed.

I have to think more on this idea. On how Capitalism is nice in general, but has been unchecked and feeds unhealthy attitudes and social stigma.

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