Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Legally Bland Feminism

I'm still keeping my personal and current situations unwritten. There are some funny things to tell, but I'll have to save them for later. So I figured writing about politics is still detached enough, even if not "fiction".

On the fiction, I got some really good information today about this border town. I need to hear more, and do some research and find out about the history and current state of affairs before I write. But, really interesting facts today, thanks to the blond.

Which makes me corner around a curve to a total tangent about blonds. What's the deal about dumb blonds? Just the other day someone was giving me an adage about how "Men prefer (date) blonds but marry brunettes" (and Redheads have more fun), and I've been thinking about the movie "Legally Blond" too, where Reese goes from carrying pom-pom pens and wearing tons of make-up and fitted suits, to, in the end, receiving her legal diploma with this "glow" about her, and NOTE THE CHANGE! she's wearing hardly any make-up, and is wearing a huge gunny-sack graduation gown and a silly hat. It's her "transformation" moment.

I thought it was terrible. Women can't be smart and sexy as hell too? or be silly and fun and have crazy fashion sense and still be taken seriously? I didn't like the whole, "I've washed my face and now I'm legit" deal. At least Legally Blond II put her back in cute suits and feminine frills. It would have been a lot better, though, for feminists everywhere, if she had still been carrying around her pom-pom pen and signing motions and orders with it.

It's the inside that counts. Isn't that supposed to be the "point" of feminism?

The movie almost makes a backwards point, while striving towards a pro-woman theme.

I've never understood the dumb blond thing, but it's interesting. If men statistically prefer women to be less intelligent than they are, or less advanced in their careers, perhaps this (?) is why they "prefer blonds", and assume these women will be suitably ditzy? and could it be that more intellectual men gravitate towards brunettes with the same assumption, that those women might be able to hold a conversation?

I've tried brunette, blond, and my natural color red. I dated a lot as a brunette, and had deeper conversations with men, but as a blond, heads were turning everytime I walked down the street. I think the heads turned until they saw I didn't have huge boobs to go with the blond hair.

(TANGENT ALERT: I think boobs should be added to the hair color category, because when you have 'em and they jiggle, no one seems to care or even notice the color of your hair (noticed that when I was pregnant and went up 3 cup sizes). It should be: blond, brunette, redhead, or boobs).

I don't know about being a redhead, but I'm happy with it. It's me. And I have my brunette Uma-Thurman-in-Pulp-Fiction wig too. I'm the same inside, so I guess I just like to mess with society sometimes. I wore it out with a couple girlfriends in Portland, Oregon, who also bought wigs for fun. I haven't worn that brunette wig forEVER. I wonder if I should break it out for a court hearing sometime? In WENATCHEE of all places. ha!

Hmmm. Very tangental post. Well anyway, thanks to the blond who gave me some insider info about Blaine and making me think about that darn movie again.

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