Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Corrections, and Bitter

Little correction:

I wrote in one post that I was given a citation for harassment while protesting on the first day, but I'm pretty sure it was the third day, and I wrote that in the next one.

I'm really honest, and I'm not lying about any of this stuff, or trying to make it sound like more than it is, but I don't have exact dates in front of me right now, and I'd have to reconstruct that by looking through some things I don't have with me here.

I'm doing the best I can without those actual dates, and keeping it as linear as possible.

I apologize for the parts where I come across as bitter, but after everything, it can be difficult. I guess not all of us bitter poor white folk turn to religion after hard times, but guns on the other hand...

Just kidding.

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