Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Today's Wrap Up

I feel I hardly got anything done today. I would write a post, and then need to take a break, a breather. I took a walk how many times today? I only took 2 aspirin this morning and lots of coffee, and then 2 aspirin a half hour ago, with a shot of tequila.

I admit, I'm having at least 1 drink every night, the last 3 nights. But I didn't want to go for another walk, and if I eat one more Little Debbie snack cake or t.v. dinner, my rear end is going to be so large I won't even know my tailbone is broken anymore...Hmmm...Plan?

So why am I still writing? I've been forcing myself to write all day, when I haven't felt like it and didn't want to. But right now, I am purely writing out of stress. I was thinking about writing about something funny, or at least, which I thought was funny...

After sitting here for another 10 minutes, staring into space and thinking how relaxed I am, I am going to bed to watch some TV. At 5:30 no less, until the kids come home and start pouring water and dish detergent all over the floor (like last night) to create an indoor "slip 'n' slide" on the linoleum. I had thought I had all the answers, until then. They don't like beets either, found out, picking them off of the floor with the olives. Yeah, i made a really terrible dinner for them last night. Corn dogs, beets and olives. I should go into the restaraunt biz. I told them to clean the floor after they threw the beets around, and next thing I know, turning the corner, they're literally body surfing the linoleum. I've never seen anything like it. There were suds all over the place. I made them take baths and then there was water all over the floor. I looked at the kitchen floor and realized they had actually done a pretty good job of getting the dirt up, on their bellies.

No, I'm not dating the daddeo. He has a girlfriend. Which is good, because I'm NOT interested, and I don't want a boyfriend right now anyway because I must be concentrating on my political aspirations of running for office, starting revolutions, and marryhing into money. You know, I could settle for marrying into funny too. Funny would be as good as money right now because I need some funny.

haha. Which makes me think about Blaine city council page and the police report column I noticed on the side. I saved it. I was like, "How many missing bikes can the Blaine police handle in a day?" There were about 15 reports and half of them were about stolen bikes.

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