Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ego Booster

What happened to my sort-of-ex?

Besides generalities, like "hi" and "see you later", he did say something I thought was great for writing about.

I noticed something. Won't say what, but I liked it, even though it was strange. He stood up to me without saying a word.
I said, "You're stubborn, huh?" and I was smiling.

He stopped what he was doing, looked at me with a dagger-dark eye, and said, as he brushed by me, "No comment."

I wasn't sure whether it was "no comment" because I'm stubborn too, or if the point was "no comment" because he's onto my blog and my writing about him. "No comment" Ms. PostMyBusinessAllOverTheInternet.

Just the day before I was researching just how one can apply for an AP card. I want one!

Missin' the kissin' though.

Sometimes, you go through shit and just feel you look it too. But I got noticed by someone who had that, I don't know how to explain it look, more than once. Sort of serious, and not flirting, but that, "I feel really guilty for checking this chick out (intake of breath) and I want her but I hope she doesn't notice".

There was that, and I also got a number from a hottie. Haven't called! Still thinking...It's hard to be a thinking woman. Sigh.

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