Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fiction: 3

Come to me, with the night wide open, the dark sky pulling in and breathing out with every star and cloud passing by. Come to me, he said, hungry and tasting only the sweat on his lips and in fear of the future. Come to me, he said, and I came, as easily as a bird to a tree, and on that night he fell in love.

I loved him already.

I had watched him working, during the day, and saw him try not to cry at night. I knew everything already and there were no secrets for me, but he didn't know me, or my name. He was aware of my presence, and I found him looking over his shoulder, and far into the distance ahead, but he couldn't make out my form.

"Sshhh" I would say but it was only the wind in his ears, as he wondered where his next hiding place might be. Would he be betrayed? Many sought his life, and he was hated by some, and those closest to him couldn't satisfy his thirst.

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