Thursday, April 24, 2008

Ultramarathon Writer

A man with a desk job can write about running all night, and even running 50 or more miles at a time, and make it sound normal, in a "to each his own" sort of way. But I was thinking, try applying that to writing. I doubt a book would sell about a marathon writer, who just writes and writes and writes non-stop, all night or for consecutive days in a row. It makes sense if one is writing a novel or doing important research, but to write for the sake of writing? Just sounds obsessive. And yet obsessive sports is completely okay.

I do know that when I can't run, I write more. So this means I've been writing more ever since I haven't been able to run cross-country (distance running). I think we must just trade one thing for the other, those of us with a lot of energy...

I added to my post about testosterone in the role of egg selection. It was such a weird sounding post, but I realized my question was good, and that there is some basis for thinking this, as more baby boys are born during times of war (so, why?).

Anyway, I do have a lot of things to write about tonight, and I keep writing, but putting off what I really need to write about, which is the true story stuff.

It truly stresses me out, so I keep avoiding it, procrastinating and writing about other things instead.

As for all the mistress stuff, I'm not doing anything about it. I contemplate things, but rarely act on what I contemplate. I am still the same prude I suppose. I have stayed the night at the pad of not ONE, but TWO snipers, and took a bath in their tub and didn't touch either one of them, and I stayed at a Dad's house on account of kids, and didn't do anything. That's why I'm saying, all these guys/men, maybe they DO think something might happen, or they're open to it, but they've all been perfect gentlemen, which I really appreciate. I feel like I'm making friends more than anything, and getting to know them as human beings. It's good to understand men more, having a son myself. I began to understand SOME things much more after I had my son. I really like men. Most of the time, of course.

I don't know. If some older man offered a really good business deal, I mean, a very generous arrangment, would I accept? I can't say that I know for sure. It hasn't happened. I haven't been tempted yet at least, and I'm realizing it would take a lot to tempt me because it's just not my style and wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't for a lot, or enough to fully cover my son's needs, or, I should say, my attorney's fees for my son.

If it really came down to it, I just don't know. I do know I'd have to be attracted to the person though. It would be too repulsive and fake otherwise. I just don't know.

I've been reading about sniping. For background info. Maybe I'll be able to go shooting soon too. I don't even know if I am good at it or not. Last time I shot anything, it was pop cans when I was 12, with a pistol. I'd like to try it though. Maybe I could even learn how to build a gun. I WANT to learn? I guess I'd do it for my son, to be able to teach him something, but I don't really like those "assembly required" packages. I always pass those off to my friends who LOVE putting things together.

I'll write my important stuff soon. I needed to relax tonight. I wasn't very inspired tonight--I think my fiction stuff stinks and the first one is better. But I guess I'm generating ideas. There really is a house over here that some guy dug out, 6 stories underground. I have to see it!

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