Friday, April 25, 2008

Is China A Capitalist Dictatorship?

From Christopher Hitchens' article in Slate, "Mandela Envy"...

"China may now be a capitalist dictatorship and Mugabe a capitalist dictator, but these are not the least of history's ironies if it's an old-style red-labor-union tactic that begins to bring Mugabe down."

This closing statement was the one which piqued my curiosity the most. Capitalist dictatorship. Hmmm...I thought it was interesting.

Even more interesting, was that on the bus a couple of days ago, I had a great conversation with this guy who didn't know McCain's last name (he said "McClean" or McClain") but who asked me whether I thought China was communist or a capitalist dictatorship. I was reading an article in USA today about the censorship in China on the internet and my seatmate asked me this question. I said I didn't know exactly, but that I had thought about this while reading Hitchens' last article. I still need to look up basic definitions and differences between the two.

The U.S. is capitalist, but sort of a plutocracy too, and yet with a few socialist checks and balances could level out. Something has to change, but there is time. It's not too late to tweak some things, and some things DO need tweaking.

I need to read up on political science and educate myself. Then I will write about whether I think China is communist or a capitalist dictatorship. I need to know about communism too! So much to learn!

I was also thinking about how I want to agitate against some organizations and structures in Wenatchee, but I think I'll have to stick to CPS for now. Pick off one thing at a time, but maybe stay open for new ideas. I'd like to see a thorough investigation of Wenatchee CPS.

On another note, my good friend, who is a geneologist (a professional one!) has offered to trace my roots. I'm so tempted but I want to pay him something first. I want to know if there is anything in my family history I should know about, or be aware of. Any liabilities, so to speak? Who did we anger? Who did we fight? Who were we friends with and how did we move around and why? Am I really related to Lady Godiva? (my grandmother, who has roots in Luxembourg, says it's true). My other grandmother says the Garretts are from aristocracy but gave up their rights to it. More importantly, I want to know if there are any revolutionaries (aside from military) in our line. You know, for fun!

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