Friday, April 25, 2008

Medical Permit for Marijuana

I found a doctor willing to recommend a medical permit for me to use marijuana to prevent my migraines. This is excellent news for me.

I am at the end of the period phase and should have had a follow-up migraine and I've had nothing. Not even tension headache.

So for a few months I didn't have migraines at all, but when I was smoking, very severe tension headaches instead sometimes, around that time (but not behind my eye and easier to manage).

I quit smoking, planning to use my Migranol instead, for acute abortion, but the migraines haven't returned. At least not yet.

I wonder if I got the tension headaches because I was using too little or too much marijuana? and if this lack of migraine now is a residual effect of the build-up? Maybe it's the actual smoke from smoking marijuana that causes tension headache? I don't know.

But this is truly phenomenal for me. I've gone about 4 months with zero migraines. It's the longest period being migraine-free in my entire life. I did have to lie down for a little while during the throbbing tension headaches, but they weren't as bad. If my migraines are a 10, the tension headaches were about a 6 at worst and were manageable with OTCs.

Anyone and everyone who gets migraine, and menstrual migraine, should try marijuana for prevention. I am a huge advocate now, and like I've said, I've tried everything. The prevention of migraines means I haven't had an ER visit in months, haven't had to take narcotics for the pain, and haven't had to miss work or social affairs.

I'll have my medical permit in a week or so.

Here's an angle for the federal government to consider...There are men and women in the military who get migraines. Migraines stop you in your tracks and triptans are too late and sometimes not very effective. If soldiers who have a history of migraine are taking marijuana to prevent them, there will be no disadvantage because of medical reasons. Yet how is the military going to be able to use this legally, for their soldiers, if it's against the law?

The one thing I think I noticed about marijuana, at least in my writing, is that it may have slowed me down just a little bit. My brain feels best without any marijuana at all, and with aerobic exercise. That's when I have the most energy and can write forever, and feel focused. I didn't notice side effects at the time I smoked, but I think it does slightly relax the brain in some way, which is why I would minimize the amount I use. I guess some people, like Sagan, believe weed enhances creativity but I'm not sure about this for me. It may be different for everyone, because I didn't get a thrill out of being "high" either, so I think I may process it differently. One thing I did think I noticed, was perhaps increased blood flow or something affecting circulation a little bit, and a slight feeling similar to the buzz after having one drink. For me, alchohol is much stronger than marijuana.

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