Friday, April 11, 2008

Fiction Writing

I may not be blogging quite as much this week. Have some things going on. I've committed not to blog about the present or future, but only the past.

Then I thought, I'm going to get bogged down in the past. It's stressful to write about and recount everything that's happened in the my true life story posts. So I'm ALSO giving myself liberty to write FICTION, which is safe, right?

Which will probably look a little strange, and I'll title all the fictional pieces with "Fiction:" first. Fiction is harder to write I think, and sometimes I may write short stories and other times just freewrite, and who knows, maybe I'll end up writing chapters for a fictional novel.

I enjoyed writing about the water babies and mysteries of Blaine. I think I could build on it and enjoy myself. Mixing a little truth and location with fictional plot and storyline and characters. I think I want to write an immigration, finding home, feeling lost, spirits & souls story. Something mixing the supernatural with the natural and real world. I can't help it when it comes to fiction. I start literally seeing, in my mind's eye, these figures coming out of the water, and people telling their own story through my voice. Sometimes, it feels like inspiration, othertimes it feels someone else is directing the writing. Not in a creepy way. It's just that the characters and locations come out of the woodwork on their own sometimes, and when that happens, you feel they have something to say.

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