Friday, April 11, 2008

Quit Blog (except for facts of past)

I have decided to show good faith to a law firm I want to help me with my son.

My show is to quit blogging altogether, for the sake of this case, my son's safety, and my own safety.

I did not use my son's name and protected him, in this blog, until AFTER CPS took him away and then I used his name to identify his case.

I haven't said where he lives, but have probably already said too much, about who it's with, and where I'm going and what I'm doing.

I know I have a right to free speech and have been penalized for things I write about.

I am concerned that if I don't finish my "true story" stuff, which shows what happened with the monks and the catholic church, I will not be better off. It will conceal what happened, and I will never clear my name or get my son back or be able to prove motive.

I am willing therefore, at this point, to absolutely quit blogging about anything current, or on my life now or my son. I'm also going to omit some facts about my son, to preserve him and his safety and identity, even if it seems too late now.

I will limit this blog to only finishing writing what happened in the past, and nothing more.

I hope this is agreeable. I was thinking about quitting the blog altogether, but I need to get the facts out so someone can help us, and people know what was going on.

I hope this is a good compromise?

I will write only about facts of the past and timeline of events up to CPS taking my son, but I will write NOTHING about my present situation until things are fixed.

I hope this law firm reads this and understands what I'm doing, and that I'm willing to cooperate in any way if they will take my and my son's case. Especially and primarily the case of my son.

He needs the best advocate money can buy, and if we can't put that money up to start, I hope whoever helps my son is rewarded with a settlement that will make them richer than they ever dreamed they'd be, from one case, for one boy. There's also the good feeling of helping someone of course, which I'm getting from this firm, but I also hope they will be rewarded for believing in me enough to help MY SON, and be able to use that money to help even more people in a similar position.

We need a lot of prayers and a lot of, I daresay, "luck".

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