Sunday, April 6, 2008

Kids: Let Them Lead The Way

Two good things:

I found a book on sign language. I talked to my son tonight about learning "words" we say with our hands, with "hand motions" and he was very interested. I could tell, because he had the phone to his ear and quieted down and was silent when I was talking about it, which means I got his attention (I know him). He got like this even 6 months ago or more, when I told him I knew he wanted to talk and I was going to find someone who could help him. He looked at me with clear understanding, like, "finally." My son is extremely bright. He knows he could speak before and cannot now. And he wants to communicate. So I'm learning ASL with my son. I told him the different words I'll teach him next time I see him, and sentences.

Also, I found a girl in my neighborhood who has been known as "a brat", whom I realized must be highly intelligent. I asked her father about it recently and he brightened up and said yes. He said she's doing more than her sister who is 2 years older and that she has an uncanny memory. What I noticed, is that this girl, who is 6, can see right through you. Sometimes you look into eyes and can just "see" the brains behind them. She has behavior issues but it's because her mother left and brushes her off at visitations. When she does her schoolwork, she gets it done before anyone else and then sits there bored. Otherwise, she won't do it at all and gets up and does her own thing. She's going in for counseling and I told her dad I think her I.Q. should also be tested. Oftentimes behavioral problems and high intelligence go together, I would think even moreso with her situation.

The other day, she was making a plan for stealing her bike back from someone who took it from her. She had her accomplice lined up and ready to assist and then they ran into me and told me their plan. I said, "So what's your strategy?" and she had it all laid out. Would've worked too. I don't know if she did it. She rides a 4-wheeler like the devil on wheels.

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