Sunday, April 6, 2008

Revolution Revelation

I was just thinking about what I wrote at the end of my last post, that knowledge is power and probably the only kind which threatens money, and it clicked. This is what people are afraid of--those who can write and articulate how it is, in reality, who challenge money and the status quo. The poor are abused, and no one cares, unless someone can write about it from their perspective, and that's what is threatening. It then becomes a challenge. If enough people begin to document what happens to them, and their condition, and then speak up together, this is what eventually leads to revolution.

Revolution occurs when the poor, oppressed, or vulnerable educate themselves, or apply their wits and writing, to expose abuse and inspire the minority or those treated as "minorities". Keeping one outspoken critic down is worth 1,000.

I've read up on activism, I think revolution is next in my reading.

What I see, is a turning over of the soil.

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