Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Kind of Mom I am

In the last few months, I've learned about immigration, detention centers, jail, and received a lot of information about cocaine, marijuana, mistresses, sniping, oil production, and even uranium (not that much about uranium).

I think it makes me a better mom. ;)

The more I know, the better informed I am and able to transmit what I know to my son.

I've also learned about sign language, and have been getting to know some kids who don't have a mom around. I'm taking a few out for cocoa on Saturday, down at a cafe. They're really excited and said to their Dad last time I visited, "Dad! We LIKE her!!!" I could hear this from the sidewalk after I'd left the house, which made me smile. The highest compliments come from kids. I'm not at all interested in their Dad, but he's let me use his computer and I've always been interested in children. Even the ones who are out of control calm down around me. I used to get very high marks, as a teacher's assistant, for "control manner with children". I didn't say or do anything except speak to them with respect and in a calm and mellow tone. Just giving them an ear usually calms most kids down because then instead of going crazy and jumping around, they know you're listening and feel free to share.

Which brings me to something else. I read somewhere that some of the FLDS supposedly, the fathers, put their baby's heads under a running faucet and spank them to teach them who's boss and "break them". If an informant was in there, they should have seen this, but regardless, reading this infuriated me. If ANYONE ever did that to ANY child, they should be jailed and sent to parenting class.

I don't believe in abuse, period, but even the concept of "breaking" a child is repugnant to me. You simply don't do that. It's wrong to try to break anyone's spirit, child or adult. This leads to further acceptance of abuse in the future.

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