Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Role Of Testosterone In Egg Selection?

I had to follow up my question in my last post about the role of testosterone in reproduction of male or female babies. At first I thought it doesn't make sense because it's genetics, but I think there may be something to it. Why?

Because then I thought about how different things affect sperm mobility and acidic or alkaline environments and how these are importation for conception and affect fertility.

So perhaps men who gravitate towards military or law enforcment careers sometimes have higher levels of testosterone which then affects which sperm reach which egg and penetrate? and perhaps some eggs are more influenced by a certain type of sperm than others?

Just an idea and I'm not a scientist. Just a question based on personal observation. And then maybe that would be nature's way of replenishing the population because if these higher-testosterone males are more likely to be fighting or in dangerous situations which will have them killed off, there is need for more boys and men to replace them, so this is why there are more boys than girls born to these men? I don't know if any part of my theory is true at all, but I think it's interesting.

UPDATE: I thought about this post later and blushed. It sounds so sexist and weird. Why would I think it has to do with testosterone levels from the man, when women also go into similiar careers and could die fighting, and when they have testosterone levels as well? So I thought, this was a stupid idea. But then I thought again, wait a minute, because there IS research that shows more baby BOYS, specifically, are born during times of war. So that does indicate something. Why would more baby BOYS be born during times of war unless there is a rational explanation for it? Could it be that it IS testosterone and that levels rise when men are in combat or at war and that these elevated levels, when they come home, contribute to more boys being born? or, the combination of male and female testerone? I think it has something to do with testosterone. I don't know what, but something. Because boys wouldn't be born more than girls just because God said so. God could have designed this, but still, there is a scientific explanation for this "phenomenon".

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