Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sniper Pad

A sniper pad looks like a gun shop. Especially in the back room. Bullets everywhere, parts everywhere, a work bench, gun assembly books, and I was holding up this thing that looked to me like binoculars and was told it's a site finder or something like that. There are binoculars and site finders everywhere. Looking through one of them I could read a sign on a business all the way across town, across the river.

The guy is super mellow, which is good for a sniper. He showed me a 230-something and said I could probably handle it. He also showed me a 308, which is regular gun. He builds his own and carries a gun at all times.

I saw a copy of a book on the floor: "One Shot" about a sniper and skimmed through it while in the tub. He's recommended another book called "Whitefeather" which sounds really good and is a true story.

He said most snipers go into sniper scout programs in military and then work for Blackwater, CIA, Red Seals, and a number of other organizations. He said it's not enough to be a good shot--you have to be able to check a certain moral compass at the door. But he seems very moral, it's just that if they give you a photo of a face, you have to be willing to shoot from a non-defensive standpoint, no questions asked. You get a face, maybe a rank, and not much else. Oh, and pack, whatever that is.

He talked about a movie based on a true story, between a sniper who was Russian and one who was German, and he said there was a really good female sniper for WWII from Russia. He said I looked Ukrainian, and if he didn't know better... He said it's hard to find women who are willing to be snipers.

I'm really glad to find out about this because now I'm going to learn all about guns and snipers and stuff. He might take me shooting too, but I don't know. If not, I at least want to know about this stuff. More to learn!

I've met a lot of guys who've become like brothers to me. Lots of good guys. I can camp out in a bachelor pad with the best of 'em and shoot the shit. Meeting lots of guys who are military or law enforcement who are single and dads too. Lots of these guys have SONS. I mean, almost all the investigators, snipers, and others I'm meeting have more than one son and no daughters. Is it the testosterone levels? does this make a difference in anyway in whether one has sons or daughters? I don't know.

I'm fascinated with the sniper lifestyle so I'm going to learn all about it and then I'll write my next post on this topic and title it: Janie Got A Gun.

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