Wednesday, May 21, 2008

8 Years Old

Cutest thing tonight. I don't usually write about kids, in order to keep their lives private, but I saw a sort of funny and sweet interaction between the oldest girl here (8 years old) and her Dad.

We were all outside, sitting around a table and talking. Just me, the Dad, and two of the kids. It was getting dark out and we'd been working in the garden, cleaning up. It was cold outside and his daughter was curled up on his lap, calm for once.

He was telling me about concerns and what had been bugging him lately (not about me, but life). He told me how his ex tried to take the kids. His daughter piped up and said, "And you were crying!" and got up and moved to the back of his chair. He said, "Yeah, because she was taking my boy. She knew she'd hurt me by taking my only boy." Then the girl said, "Would you have been upset if she took your girls?" and he said, "Yeeess." So she was happy to hear this, and standing behind his chair, leaned forward and asked, "What about your oldest?" and he said, "No. Not her." He said it sarcastically, but joking, and then she said quickly, as a retort, "You sonnofabitch!" in a lilting way, and smacked him across the head.

A lot of it was about tone of voice. I wish I could convey that here, but it was sort of shocking and cute at the same time. She seemed so old for 8 years old.

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