Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pimp Daddy

Oh NO.

I just got called by some guy in the town whom I'm not even really friends with, but friend-ly with when I see him...Anyway, he suddenly wants me to come out and hang with everyone, and is going to buy my drinks and make sure I have a safe ride home.

I say "Oh NO" because I know some of the guys go to him when they're looking for an "escort" or "girl" or "prostitute". So, NOW he's calling ME? Hmmm.

Alright everybody, cool down and calm down. Whatever is in the past, is the past. And I wasn't a prostitute or escort in the past either--EVER. It's really nobody's business and someday I'll get to this part of my life in my true story stuff. I have still not been with anyone for 3 years, and I don't plan to hop into action. I don't even want a boyfriend, and if I did, I'd want to get to know this one guy I met a couple of weeks ago who is interesting and not-so-rich.

I said I was looking for a sugardaddy, not a pimp daddy.

But hey, people will figure me out one day I hope. In the meantime, I am not turning down an offer to drink and mingle and forget about the lousiest day I've had in a LONG time. I just wish I knew where someone could go dancing around here.

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