Friday, May 2, 2008

Another Friend Has Email Problems After Contacting Me

See her comment on the last post about computer problems and son's behavior a few days ago.

Kelly, I'll contact you on your other address. Keep an eye on it and let me know if anything changes. Also keep in mind that nothing is private, you know what I mean.

My parents also had problems with not just their computers but phones, when I was having the worst problems, right before I left for Canada.

It's not coincidence.

Will write to you on this other email. Love, Cameo

UPDATE: the computer probs seem to affect only those who are friends of mine, or who have tried to help out in any way. There is no "virus" coming from my email or computers because CPS and other agencies and persons, haven't had any problems whatever. Also, I had problems on a state-owned computer lab after I logged in my SS# and ID (which goes to the state and computer techs for the state) and the supervisor made note, saying it was odd because only the computer I was on was affected, after I had logged in, and another witness also saw what was happening ("invasive" process where mouse arrow would move around by itself, and certain functions disabled--I got the names of the witnesses so no one could say I was "crazy" again or imagining this)

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