Saturday, May 3, 2008

DC Madam: Immigration Reform vs Prostitution Reform

Let me get this straight. I support immigrants, and their contributions to American economy more than "make up" for any deficits arising from their initial inability to pay for healthcare, and for using social services. They keep market prices low, and build our freeways, houses, warehouses...and keep our orchards in good shape and food prices low, supplying labor at a fraction of the cost of white or other citizen laborers.

However, when is the last time we've heard of men, business owners who employ "illegal immigrants", being charged with racketeering, money laundering, and tax evasion, and receiving 50 year prison sentences?

A woman who owns an illegal call girl service gets hauled into court for doing, essentially, all the same things hundereds, if not THOUSANDS, of white men do every day in covering for their use of illegal immigrants, which they've been doing for decades, and which is NOT difficult to discover.

I hear a lot about immigration reform and nothing about "prostitution reform", or more importantly, "gender inequity reform".

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