Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Faith At Zero

I just got out of a "hearing" over my son. I can honestly say the last shred of faith I had in "the system" is gone.

The Judge refused to recuse himself, despite the fact I filed a declaration for his recusal and my Public Defender refused to file a motion prior to this hearing, at my request.

Not only that, my Public Defender Paul Cassel, bent over backwards to screw me, refusing to contact me for weeks, and then claiming he couldn't receive e-mail from me when he knew this was the only way I could be in touch with him. He was working along with the Wenatchee system the entire time, and proved it even today in the hearing, speaking against me in an adversarial manner while refusing initially to step down as my representation. He refused to quit until the hearing was over, and then the Judge allowed him to quit.

Both the Judge and my own attorney only refused to have him quit prior to the hearing, so they could proceed as they wished, and get what they wanted, for the opposite side, "the department".

I am so disgusted and repulsed by what has happened and what I continue to see, I can no longer be proud of anything within the system.

I knew the U.S. was in trouble, and that money has become the dictator, but I didn't know how bad it really is, and how there is no way out for me, no matter how hard I try or how honest I am, to fix it. The United States justice system is not only flawed, it is corrupt, and somehow we pass ourselves off to other countries as being "better". It's not better. We're no better. We're just more polished.

I feel sick to my stomach.

The only way to get any measure of justice in the U.S. is to have friends in high places, to waive ones right to free speech and fight for maintainting civil rights, and be rich.

That's all it is, and I know, as of today, that I will never win.

The "Truth" doesn't matter, and when I saw it didn't matter, and saw those around me continue to harass me and pervert the course of justice, what else could I do but say, "You win."

You won.

It's not going to be the last time either. I will continue to be harassed and buried as far and as fast as they can dig.

I want the transcript of that hearing. I will never forget what happened today. It's not even something that most people would grasp, on the surface, because no one really knows everything that has been happening beneath the surface.

They knew all they had to do was delay and cause problems in order to get past the change of venue. The primary objective was to keep the process in Wenatchee. My own PD went along with this. They won that, and it was all downhill from there. They will win everything, and their relief came from the fact that the main obstacle, change of venue, was overcome. Keep it in the circle.

I'm sorry Oliver. I am so, so, sorry honey. You have no idea how much I love you and yet one day you will realize the magnitude of what has happened, and how, out of all of the false faces you will encounter in life, your mother loved you the most, and more, and has known more than anyone else, what you have been through.

As for my own family, my mother and father, and the rest, who promised so much and delivered very little--

You can go to hell.

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