Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Finishing True Life Story

The least I can do, is finish writing about what has happened. I'm not going to disappear without doing this first.

I try to take breaks, for my own benefit, and because it's stressful to write about everything that's happened, but however creative and funny I may be, there is nothing funny about what people have been getting away with, and what they've done to me, primarily, and then my son.

I will finish writing out what happened, and then that's it. I already know, after today, I will never see my son again.

I've been fighting corruption this long and nothing has changed, it just gets worse.

All they want is a diagnosis or some kind of seeming "proof" I should be discredited. They've already discredited me, with defamatory articles, and lies, abuse, and even assault. They have used the justice system against me, and law enforcement against me and my son, and only want to finish what they started.

I'm not going to play the game. I could go through the whole thing, and it wouldn't matter. The truth doesn't matter, and no matter what I do or say, or how innocent and right I may be, I don't have the money, resources, or power, to even keep standing.

They have kicked and kicked, and continued to kick.

I am not subjecting myself to further abuse, and my son will know his mother kept her dignity and did what was best, in the long run. Even if he has to be older to figure this out, he will know. The worst part is that I know I am the very best advocate he could ever have. No one knows him better, and can advocate and would fight for him and his rights like me. CPS and Wenatchee doctors know this. They know my mealy-faced "Christian" family won't sue for his damages from childbirth, on his behalf. If they adopt my son out to someone else, there will never be a lawsuit.

I can't even line up lawyers for him right now. I have demanded he be in sign language and no one does anything. They refuse diagnostics and an MRI which I know will show damage to his brain.

I think of one person at a time like this. E.H. The state tore him from his mother when he was a baby and when he was 12, he looked for her and found her, and asked to be readopted by her.

If I don't have a private attorney, I'm dropping out of this. There is zero point in going through this "process" after what Wenatchee has done. They are completely corrupt. I could jump through every hoop, and only end up muddied and further abused, and with some crazy-ass diagnostic to try to put a stamp on their bogus claims. I won't do it, and my son wouldn't want me to do it.

Unless I can fight with money, I'm not fighting.

But I'm finishing my story, because it's true, and even if I can't help myself and my own son, I am going to be helping someone else out there. That is my contribution. People need to know how this can happen, and how it did happen, in America.


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