Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Paternity Of My Son

In the hearing today, the AG raked me over the coals. I told the Judge I needed a continuance because of the inability to get documents together. My public defender did absolutely nothing for me in that hearing except say things which worked for the other side. Paul Cassel, my PD, used to work in the same firm as the judge, Judge Hotchkiss, which may be why he refused to file a motion for recusal. I filed my declaration which I had sent Cassel, and request for a motion for recusal, but the Judge refused to hear it.

I was supposedly "represented" by my PD at this hearing, but I was the one saying "I object" and "Relevance?" to the AG's questions, not my attorney. My own attorney did nothing. Despite this, I'm not planning to put photos online. I could care less, it's so disgusting what he's done. He embezzled from one of his client's accounts once, and I'm told, should have been disbarred because of it, but got away with it because of Wenatchee support. So there is definitly a good old boys group.

The AG said the publication in the paper, asking the father of my son to come forward, had been there for months so the father was defaulted as "unknown" is what he said. But then, that wasn't good enough for him, the fact that the default was "unknown". He asked the Judge for permission to grill me about my son's father, if I knew who he was. The Judge allowed it, even though the hearing was supposed to be reset for June 11th.

The AG asked if I knew who the father was and I said no. Then he asked if I had any ideas and I told him I didn't. He asked me over and over, if I knew the father. I said I'd slept with far too many people to remember. He said that didn't sound very healthy, or made some kind of lifestyle slam and I said, "Yeah, I'm a regular harlot". I think I repeated that a few times. Then he wanted me to confirm I'd had consensual sex in that period, with many men. I said I wouldn't call all of it consensual, but yes, with too many people to remember. He wanted an estimate and the Judge said basically, she said she slept around with many men. So then the AG asks, "So you were raped? around that time?" and I said, under the definition of terms, yes, it fit the definition, technically. He asked who and I said I didn't know. And then he asked, "Did you have sex with anyone by the nicknames Nacho or George?" and I told him "No." Then he said, "Well then, how many people did you sleep with?" I said, "How is that relevant?!" and I claimed an objection on "Relevance" and said, "How would you like for me to ask you how many people you've slept with? You're just trying to trash me and drag my name through the mud. What? You want to give the information to the Wenatchee World? is that what you want?" I could tell Caballero was nervous. I think he was worried I knew something about HIM that I was going to "out" because I was mad. I do know some things, but I said nothing. So the Judge said to answer the question and I said, "I don't know. A LOT." I tried to say what was the relevance, he had already put an ad in the paper and no one came forward, so what was he going to do with an actual number?!

Finally, that said, ...OH! and he asked me about a post in my blog, where I say I'm telling the father of my baby that no one knows and I've switched my story and that "I have respect". I told him I had lied and was just writing nonsense to throw people off. I told him that unless it was under oath, it may or may not be true, and could simply be tongue-in-cheek. (also, my true life story posts are all true, as I've said). I reminded him I'd sent him contradictory emails about whether I've ever smoked marijuana or not too. So he asked if I'd ever lied to Marie Scanlon too. ?! I have no idea what that was about, and then finally my lawyer made a peeop and then the Judge said to save it for later, like it was a tasty treat. For the next hearing.

Anyway, they got what they wanted. I guess they just plan to try to smear me all the way through.

I'm not going back unless I have a private attorney.

You know what's weird? He asked me all these questions, but made no reference to what I told the lawyer for child support for the state. I told him all I remembered was that the guys nickname was "Tony". I THINK it was Tony.

Waiiiiit!!! (arms outstretched) Sugardaddy...waaaaaaiiiiit! Don't dis me now.

All I can say, is that everyone has a past.

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