Friday, May 23, 2008

Hispanic Hecklers On Road Tonight

I went for a walk/run about an hour ago, and this is the second time I've had some hispanic hecklers approaching in a car.

There is no one on the road this time of night, and I walked a long way and a few cars passed. On my way back, this black SUV comes up behind me, and there's a lot of hispanic heckling. Then they drive by me very slow, and without saying anything and then the minute they were ahead of me, by an inch, they heckled again.

It's not flirting or cat-calling. I know how this is done in hispanic culture, and that's not the sound they were making. The sound they were making is the one where sort of making fun and jeering at the same time, with a rapid tongue. I don't know how to describe it in words, but it's obvious. A group did this, from a car a couple of weeks ago too. Same exact thing, just around me.

What I thought was a little weird was that this is the second time, and they only did it behind me and in front of me, but not when they were slowly passing by. Also, there are hardly any hispanic people over here. I mean, nada.

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