Friday, May 23, 2008

TTSOML #60: Dan Meets Dick Whittemore

Back to TTSOML. I'll make a lot of posts on TTSOML tomorrow.

As for today-tonight, I believe I left off with Dan Gatti meeting Dick Whittemore and what transpired from that.

Dan called me into his office and said he'd gone over my case again and that he met with Dick Whittemore, the attorney for Mt. Angel Abbey, over lunch.

Dan looked at me and asked, "Did you write any sexually explicit emails? or letters?" and I said, truthfully, "No." He looked at me again and asked, and I kept telling Dan no, but it was like he didn't believe me. He said, "Dick Whittemore says he has some from you, is this true?" and I was so flustered that Dan kept asking, I got nervous and kept repeating myself, "No, I didn't."

I hadn't sent even somewhat suggestive email or letter or any other correspondence to Br. Ansgar or any other monk, and any romantic letters that had gone out, had primarily come from, and been initiated by, Br. Ansgar.

For whatever reason, Dan seemed to believe Whittemore must be telling the truth over me. I know Dan never saw anything by me, because if he had, he wouldn't be asking me. Basically, it sounded like Whittemore had tried to intimidate him by making false claims, and it worked.

So then Dan brings in his partner, Greg Smith, and tells me he wants to talk together.

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