Friday, May 23, 2008

Br. Ansgar Transferred to Mexico

I was just thinking, after tonight, that a lot of the harassment I got in the last couple of years has been from random hispanic guys and I never knew why.

Simply because they were hispanic and likely catholic? that doesn't make total sense.

Because someone was trying to pay me back for reporting FBI employees Armando Garza and Raul Bujanda? I think that is very likely.

And/OR, because Br. Ansgar was transferred from Mt. Angel Abbey to Mexico in 2005? where he would have acces to many Mexican individuals who could connect with others to cause problems for me and my son, thinking I'd done something wrong to Br. Ansgar?

When my son and I were having some of the worst pain, I noticed two large tables of Mexican guys, watching us, and making fun. One was making twitching gestures, and kept it up, gesturing torwards me, until I walked over deliberately and asked, "Do you have kids?"

There was also a Russian couple that took an interest in me and my son, and some guy on a cell phone who obviously HATED me. He was so obvious he was practically spitting.

I don't know. I do know that I noticed the strange computer problems during litigation with the catholic church and right after I reported the FBI guys.

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