Friday, May 23, 2008

Prejudice and Perjury On Account of Physical Disability

I found out my Public Defender didn't even give the Judge a note from my doctor about how he believed I should have change of venue because of my physical injuries.

I faxed my PD AND the AG this note, and it at least showed I had a doctor who could be contacted, who would probably provide more information about my condition, and my lawyer didn't even USE it for the change of venue hearing which he never told me about.

I know, because the Judge asked, in the teleconference, "There was a note?" So clearly, he never saw it and then my PD tries to excuse this neglect, saying it was just a small handwritten note with no signature. The point is, it was handwritten in my DOCTOR'S handwriting, and it was on my DOCTOR's personalized letterhead. AND it clearly stated to please change the venue to accomodate injuries, he wrote, which were "CAUSED BY PREVIOUS CHILDBIRTH."

Maybe someone just didn't WANT that in the record.

My PD also told me he'd made a request for my medical records, after I filled out the release form, and that they didn't get back to him, but I called the clinic today and they said no lawyer called them. They hadn't sent the records over because no one called them for them.

I also asked my attorney to pay for a doctor's visit from PD funds, to show my need for change of venue, and he wouldn't pay for ANYTHING out of PD funds.

I was referred to a surgical OBGYN, outside of the whole clinic, who is independent, and didn't go because I couldn't pay for it. As of today, I scheduled that appointment, just to get further proof of my condition and how travel has worsened my disability, and an evaluation of the damages.

I have asked my new Public Defender, a Jeanne Wellbaum, to please file a Motion for Reconsideration of Change of Venue based on the negligence of my former PD and lack of communication and documentation of a very real argument and need for accomodation.

This Judge Hotchkiss told me I have two weeks and then I have to be in court, in person, and he demanded I take a bus to get there, when I've already stated this has harmed my body and worsened my condition and I can NOT do this. I am also still prejudiced in not being able to visit my son, and CPS is just throwing bus tickets at me again, telling me to get on the bus and suffer and cause my body extreme damage and further deterioration, if I want to see him.

It's discrimination and it's prejudice. I will be in NO medical position to have my son back, if CPS is determined to destroy my body by forcing me on their bus to go to THEIR town to see my son. I won't be able to work, at all, and I will be a more serious condition which would prevent me from being able to care for my son. And I'm not going to do that.

If I have to miss a few visits, because of their prejudice, and be in better condition to have him back in the long-run, that's what I'm going to do. I'm not going to ruin my body to see him a few times a week, and then end up in the hospital, or on major painkillers, then giving CPS an excuse to claim I'm not physically strong enough to care for him.

I am already being prejudiced and affected because of refusal to help accomodate my disability. My own PD refused to file things for my case, and tells me LAST MINUTE he will not do so, which meant if there was going to be a paper record, I was going to have to hurt my body and ride a bike EIGHT miles to the library and then EIGHT miles back. I was in so much pain I couldn't focus on anything else, and I already took OTCs, so I had a beer, not knowing it was a large 8% alchohol beer and not a 3% one, when I'm a lightweight and don't drink much. I had to drink BEFORE I got on that bike, and drink AFTER, and as a result, my common sense and level headedness were out the door and I was happily lying to everyone, under oath, in a bold voice, how I was indeed the biggest slut and harlot of the town, and that it was anyone's guess who the father was because I couldn't even remember names, number of encounters, or which ones were consensual and which ones were rapes. And I even remember sort of enjoying myself, too, as I did this, and thinking back later, in shock, at what I had done. I had perjured myself, under the influence, because I had been drinking to remedy the pain of injuries from childbirth which Wenatchee doctors and CPS and the state refuse to admit are real and want to bury.

Right there, the fact I had to BUST my ASS to get on a stupid bike and fax legal documents, when I was disabled, and then suffer from the pain, prejudiced my case.
Because of my disabilities, I was not there in person, which affected me, and secondly, because I wasn't there in person and had to do the work myself, I was drinking on the other end to boot, just to ACCOMODATE WHO?!!!


Now what? They're going to press charges of perjury when I was unable to give an honest or level headed testimony? After they drive me to drink?

Where is my FUCKING sugardaddy. I just need to find someone who only wants blow jobs so I can save myself for SURGERY.

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