Friday, May 23, 2008

Congratualtions FLDS

Congratulations to the FLDS members in Texas! My congratulations come late, but I heard the news yesterday. It was one very bright spot in my day.

I am so relieved they got an intelligent Judge and hope the appeals court Judge will rule similiarly. I believe it would set a very dangerous precedent to allow the state to win a case like this. My heart has gone out to those families, from the very beginning.

Good job legal aid.

I seriously think CPS should be pretty much overhauled or disbanded. I think the culture of those who typically work for CPS has created a monster, in addition to the government bureaucracy. In this case, it was culture clash more than anything, and I do believe they infringed on their religious liberties.

How sad those kids have to stay with the foster parents during an appeal though. They should be immediately reunited with their families and only returned to fostercare if an appeal is won.

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