Friday, May 23, 2008

My Medical Release Disappears From Clinic

I had to have medical documentation to show I needed change of venue, to get my case out of Wenatchee and prove I have physical disabilities which prevent me from traveling and that further travel will be harmful to me.

First of all, my lawyer didn't give the Judge a note from a doctor which stated this clearly. Secondly, the medical clinic didn't get a letter from my lawyer asking for the records until May 15th, the day after the hearing was lost.

NOW, I call the office to have records faxed immediately and find out why they haven't done this yet. My former PD said he'd asked them for records, and I guess he DID, and they have his letter, but by this time, they still hadn't faxed anything, or called to let him know what the status was.

I called and was told they can't find the release form I signed, anywhere. I had to pay over $40 for a taxi to get me to the office to fill out the release in person, because I have no access to a fax machine. So they told me TODAY that they have looked everywhere and it's disappeared. They said it's highly unusual and that this doesn't happen. The form wasn't at the office, or with medical records department, OR in my chart. They didn't tell me when it was missing. I asked why no one called to let us know they didn't have it anymore.

Now I have to fill out another release form. If I did it the way they said I had to do it last time, I'd have to go all the way over there, etc. This time they said I could just email it.

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