Sunday, May 25, 2008

Distraction and Clarification

I decided to delete what was in this post because half of the things I wrote could be misconstrued. I made it sound as if some things happened which didn't, and didn't want to go back and clarify, so I'm just deleting instead.

I also went for a run which cleared my head. I feel very good about where I'm at right now, and the choices I've made and am making. My main problem has always been in getting distracted, and I realized all I need is a little more focus. You can put your mind to anything, and no one can take anything from you that you don't want to give, emotionally or psychologically.

Having thought about these things, with a little oxygen to my brain, I am probably not going to be writing current posts for awhile, unless it specifically relates to unethical matters in the legal process in Wenatchee, or regarding my True Story of My Life posts.

My personal life now is irrelevant to what happened in the past, and what I have to share.

As for the sugardaddy stuff, I had to delete so many of them because they were only looking for escorts. I like one of them right now, and it's mutual, and we'll see where it goes. I don't think I will be sharing anything further about the matter. As for my last hurrah, which I referred to earlier today, I got what I wanted, which was to laugh and have fun, and yet I had personal boundaries which I'm happy to have kept.

I need to fall for the one who knows how to get what he wants and doesn't give up, who will be good to me and treat me well. If someone is interested, they pursue and find a way to persuade or convince you you're right for eachother. The one who gives up too easily isn't the one.

The man I went out with last night was funny, articulate, and a gentleman, and we had a lot in common. He felt there was potential, and I do as well, because although he's rich, he seems to be a good person and we made a good connection. We'll see. I'm keeping my options open, but there are good possibilities.

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