Sunday, May 25, 2008

Neighborhood Computer Problems

I'm at someone else's computer because a bunch of viruses came onto the computer at my house a little while ago and now it's impossible to use. The problems got really bad as of yesterday. Then, what's weird, is I found out this woman down the road is having the exact same problems.

We both had virus software warnings coming up, saying the computer was infected, and to pay to fix it. It wouldn't allow us to proceed without working to get rid of it, and then it would still pop up and not allow to go from one page to the next. She and I were also having flickering of the screen, and extremely slow page turning.

She has comcast and McAffee virus software, and I have netzero and the windows antivirus software, and we're on dial-up.

What's strange is that our computers were having identical problems but we have different service providers and use different methods of getting online.

Her computer is better now, which I'm on now, because she called to have them try to fix it, but ours is still screwed up and extremely slow. She said her computer problems began the same time ours did.

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