Monday, May 5, 2008

Hunting Hillary Clinton

How did Hillary Clinton transform herself from privileged First Lady Conspiracy Slayer to a regular blue collar broad driving an old flatbed truck with a gun on the seat and two huntin' dogs in the back?

"Give me gas for my Ford, keep me truckin' for the Lord, give me gas for my Ford I pray--Hallelujah! Give me gas for my Ford, keep me truckin' for the Lord, keep me truckin' 'til the break of day..."

I see Hillary singing this song as she bounces that truck over the potholes, keeping her eye on the rearview mirror, and then talking out the side window as a safari jeep of reporters keep up on the side, holding out the mic.

She's got working class, religion, guns, and gas.

I think she might even have a game of travel pinnocle under the seat, and some dead rabbit in the back. Hillary Fudd: "Shhhh! be veewwwwwy quiet...I'm hunting wabbits..." Bugs is still in the woods, and she knows it, keeping her eye out for the carrot-and-stick.

After a good game in Pennsylvania, Hillary freshened up, put on her make-up and smile, and said about Iran, wide-eyed, "We'd obliterate them!" Which cannot be repeated enough, and no matter how many times I see the tired footage of Reverend Wright, I perk up everytime I see a replay of this comment.

She appeared so sincere, wide-eyed, naive, and leaning forward quickly, she announces she's ready to start WWIII in the blink of an eye.

"Give me gas for my Ford, keep me truckin' for the Lord..."

Despite this, and the fact I will not vote for her, Hillary has demonstrated her fighting spirit, and in her professional blunder about obliteration, her softer side as well. If she's ready to obliterate the Middle East without a moment's hesitation, perhaps she's not the calculated Mistress Of Experience she claims to be, and for that beautiful concession, she has won my vote as "Most Challenged And Yet Most Triumphant" in her race.

If I were a New Yorker, I'd keep her in office. I'd keep my eye on her and her husband, but I would reward her efforts with my attention to her ideas for domestic policies. Basically, I'd give her a platform for domestic policies, and keep her out of the international department.

You know what? She may have been having a menopausal moment too. If that's the case, maybe in another 8 years, after the snipers have been forgotten and the excitement of pulling the lever has dissipated, she could be President. But we only have a decade until Obama hits mid-life himself and I say we take advantage of his skills now, rather than later. McCain is over the worst of it I think, which is working out nicely for him. I am wondering how many Presidential mistakes could be chalked up to mid-life crisis?

Hats and guns off to Hillary Clinton, for restoring my faith in her and making me proud of her "Twanda!" moment. I'll even go hunting with you sometime Hillary, after I get in a few lessons from my snipers first. ;)

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