Monday, May 5, 2008

117 Posts For April! Call the Cops

I starting thinking this morning, that I may want to see just how many posts I could write for the month of May. Or, how much writing, period. Is there a Guiness entry I could challenge? Instead of running a 100 mile crazithon, maybe I'll write and write and write and see what happens?

Usually, I like to write only when I feel inspired, or in the mood. But I've been pushing myself to write about some things even when I don't feel like it. I'm wondering what I'm actually capable of...

I wonder if I would end up writing myself out, and crash and burn? or if I'd end up with some great freewriting material? or what? besides sore wrists and fingers...

What will CPS say THEN?! The bastards. "She WRITES too much" and we fear she shall harm her child with her prose. Idiots. Illiterate idiots at that. I have to suffer them as my son suffers, and what will history think of them in 100 years? they don't even have a voice? What have THEY written? Not one person from Wenatchee CPS will be known by anyone important, 100 years from now, and if they ARE, it's going to be because Cameo Garrett wrote about them.

Which is, I think, what the fear has been to begin with.

Get out your own damn pen, fools. Instead, they abuse position and use money and resources to secure unequal leverage. Which is sickening and sad.

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