Monday, May 5, 2008

Kitchen Party

I have to work all day and feel like writing instead, and fixing/editing my previous couple of posts. They REALLY need editing. I have trailing thoughts, fragments, and I think I'm even missing some articles here and there.

I couldn't think very well, after that migraine. So far, it's not back. I went to the BBQ and after a few drinks, we played music and even got out the kitchenware for a "kitchen party" which is what this Canadian woman said they do on Friday nights in Nova Scotia--everyone grabs something from the kitchen with which to make music: spoons, wash board...

I had a scrub brush and a cutting board, someone else had a jar of peanuts, another had spoons, and we had some real guitars and mandolins too. I was laughing so hard, scrubbing the brush against the board, and then a pan with grease stains. Not getting paid to clean! and I pictured the MTV video of the "kitchen party". Then, looking for something new to play with, I took a poker from the fireplace, which had a hook on it like a whale fin, and held it up triumphantly during "Hotel California", like the devil with a pitchfork, and said, in the middle of the creepiest part in the song: "I hate men" which caused at least one of the men to look up in alarm, to my delight.

So we did this, and then our drummer was presented with 2 joints for drumsticks, and we started laughing, as he tapped them in a futile way, on the coffee table. I don't think anyone smoked though.

With all this, came a wonderful steak dinner with baked potatoe and salad and veggies. So good. I had my vodka, and all was right with the world.

All was right with the world, because we were going to fix it! Gosh darnit! I talked at length with the Canadian woman about Obama, and politics and all the candidates, JFK, the assassinations, the JFK movie by Oliver Stone, campaign organizing, and Canadian politics.

I had gone to the restroom and come out with a RollingStones magazine from March 2008, and came back to the party reading. I apologized and said it would only take me a moment, and I couldn't resist, and then we started talking politics.

Loved this woman, who was about 50-something and full of energy and ideas, and had an excellent memory, going back to the days of major and minor current events.

She listed off a bunch of movies I should watch, and they had never heard The Indigo Girls! so I said I'd give her some music. I sang: Closer to Fine, and Galileo, and then joined for a Bare Naked Ladies song--"If I Had A Million Dollars". At the end of the night we all sang "Freefalling" and "Break Down by Jack Johnson.

She wanted me to visit them in Canada, but I had to tell her I was banned from going into Canada for one year. Which is something I should write about soon.

I need to continue with the true story (TTSOML) posts too, because this is important, and I've been procrastinating again, as it's stressful.

I want to organize, and do something revolutionary, but I'm thinking I might get my feet wet by joining something already organized, to start, for observation.

I want to write today! but I have to work! ALL DAY. I'll be too tired to write again tonight, but I'll try.

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